Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Not Your Typical Mail

I see these little guys everywhere, but when you open your mailbox and they catch you by surprise it can make a girl a little jumpy!  That's when I call on hubby. :)
I once had a baby Black Racer in my mailbox!  I'm pretty sure the neighbors ten houses down could hear me screaming!  Seriously!!!


betty said...

I think I would have called hubby too! And I think I probably would have screamed too! My gosh, a black racer! I think I would have moved!!! Or gotten my mail at the post office and then still moved!! Cute little critter you got a picture of, they just move sometimes too quick for me!


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! We got a GECKO's here too. My mom would scream if she's one in the mailbox. Lots of Golden ALOHA n Woofs, Sugar

SquirrelQueen said...

But he was just checking the box to see if there was any mail for him.

I admit that would take me by surprise too. He is kind of cute.

Nancy said...

And I thought finding spiders in my mailbox was scary! Lol.

Catherine said...

Haha! That is called 'getting a free ride'! Well...he shouldn't have been overweight and required extra postage. ;)

Yup... I would have been screaming too!

xo Catherine

Christine said...

Everyone needs one of these cute security guards for their mailbox!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

how did my Leonard get from here to your mail box, he looks just like him. calling hubby is what i do when i want one removed, i love them but not to pick them up. there was one just like this trapped between the glass and the screen in our bedroom yesterday. holler for hubby worked, he went outside and removed the screen and let him out. your little guy is cute, i have a post of Leonard on auto post for this week. once at a family picnic, my cousin Brenda, a grown woman at the time, picked one of these up and said look, i can wear it as ear ring, she held it up to her ear, it clamped on to her ear with its teeth and would not let go. her hubby had to squeeze its neck to get it to let go her ear, she two little bloody spots

Val said...

Well I would have screamed too!! Love it that you had the camera handy, you've become a madsnapper too.
HAve a great day (without anymore of these little fellows in the mix.

ZielonaMila said...

Fantastic photographs. I am greeting

TexWisGirl said...

oh my gosh! yes, i'd be freaked by the surprise, but he's so darn cute! :)

Betty Manousos said...

i have to admit i'd have screamed, too! we got a gecko's here, though.
they are completely harmless.

have a great day!

plus:loved your post/blog!

SImple and Serene Living said...

He just wanted to read your mail. He wouldn't have bothered me, but a black racer would have sent me screaming for the hills :)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Yikes!! A baby black racer??? That would have stopped my going to the mailbox, for sure. The little gecko wouldn't be quite as bad, but almost!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my goodness! And I thought I had it bad with spiders in the mailbox! Can they hurt you? I know you could get a mailbox that they can't get in, how about that? Wonder f they want to hatch eggs in there and have babies...

Chatty Crone said...

Oh Marie - I would have scream and called my husband too. lol He must have liked your mail box for shade on a hot Florida day. lol

Love, sandie

Ann said...

I know for a fact I would be freaking out if I found one of those in my mailbox. Are they dangerous at all or do they just scare the heck out of you?

Unknown said...

Oh, yeah!
Anything startles me?
and do that dance thing...
then breathe.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I guess this where I say "only in Florida!" ;-)

Anonymous said...

The neighbors would have had to call the guy in the black long car ... for me....Here I come Jesus ....

Haddock said...

Could be checking for spam mail....

Tammy said...

ahhh, they are harmless :) We lived in Florida when our sons were little. They would hold them up to their ears and the little guys would grab on....they wore them like earrings....lol
They enjoyed freaking people out.

Deborah said...

HAHA, I see only these little critters in the Cayman Islands. They make me smile but not if they are under the sheets with me!

Janie said...

I can see husbands and men in your life screaming or jumping…
I would jump and maybe shutter some, however I don't think I would call my husband to help. I certainly would never kill it or anything.