Sunday, October 13, 2013

My First Owl

While hubby and I were going out the other night, we spotted this Barred owl. He was sitting on a power line above the road, it was so exciting!  We rarely see an owl in the city.  He was pretty big and just gorgeous!
I started taking pics through the open sunroof.  They didn't come out great because it was night time, but good enough to share. :) 

Just want to say that I've had a lot of extra stuff going on in life and I miss seeing everyone daily, but I'm doing my best to get back here. :)


Beth said...

Very nice shots of the owl! What a treat to see.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they came out great, i would have not thought they could be this clear through the roof like that. i have only seen 2 in my life and no cameras then.. we hear them in the early am but have not seen them

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great photos of the Owl, Marie. So glad you saw one. I've never seen one around here--but I know that we DO have them... I can feel your excitement JUST getting to see one.

Have a great Sunday.

Anonymous said...

What a treat to photograph the owl. Enjoy your Sunday.

TexWisGirl said...

i am so happy you got to see this sweetie! barreds are so darn CUTE!

Marg said...

What fun to see an owl. I have never seen one either. Glad you got those pictures. He is a good looking Owl. Take Care.

Ms. A said...

How exciting and your shots came out fantastic!!! Lucky girl!

betty said...

I think they came out great!!


Val said...

These are great shots. What a wonderful bird to see in "real Life" Happy Sunday.

Annie Jeffries said...

How lucky for you to be blessed with this visual treat in the midst of your busyness. Thanks for sharing.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

How neat!! I've only seen one owl in the wild in my entire life. They're amazing aren't they?

SquirrelQueen said...

Great shots of the owl Marie and congrats on seeing one of these fellows. I have rarely seen them. The last one was a Great Horned owl and he was sitting on a power pole in our back yard. Unfortunately it was so dark the photos didn't turn out.

We miss you too, don't work too hard.

Chatty Crone said...

Great photos I am surprised you got him so well.
I have missed you.
I know you're busy.

Ann said...

those came out good for taking them at night. I would have had blurry pictures. How exciting to spot him.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

WOW Love the 3rd shot. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Haddock said...

Even in the twilight you managed to capture it well.

Our photos said...

You have make beautiful owl photos!
Greetings, RW & SK

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Beautiful. I just love owls.

Catherine said...

Excellent shots! Owls are my most favorite bird - awesome!
xo Catherine