Thursday, February 25, 2016

Our Sweet, Roxanne-Love!

Roxanne is our Alpha dog.  She is the Queen of this household and she can howl like a hound dog!  lol  If someone's knocking at the door and she doesn't feel like getting up...she will's so funny.  I'll have to record it one day. :) 
She is sweeter than honey, but if one of the dogs aggravate her while she's napping, watch out!  She will snap and growl and they won't mess with her anymore, at least for awhile. :)
Her favorite game is fetch with a tennis ball. :)
Her favorite times of the day are breakfast, dinner and her snacks in between.  She acts as though she hasn't eaten in weeks. lol  Do you have a puppy dog like this??  
Roxy sends you all sweet smooches!

This pic was taken on
Roxanne's 10th Birthday!

Roxanne, Kyle & Rambo
Christmas 2014


MadSnapper n Beau said...

Happy birthday sweet Roxeanne. she is sooooo beautiful and in the one with the ball in her mouth she could be Baby's sister...

Tina@WhatWeKeep said...

Look at the size of her stick...LOL! she sounds so funny- she and Jack would like one another. xoxo, T.

Ann said...

She sure is a pretty girl. That is one big stick she's got there

JoJo said...

Roxy is adorable!!!!!! How cute!!!! She could be 'branch manager' with that big stick!

TexWisGirl said...

sweet, sweet girl.

Toni said...

Happy Birthday to Roxanne. I've had three yellow labs and three black labs over the span of my life. Awesome personalities and big, big hearts.

betty said...

She is cute; seems like she has a personality too :)


Ms. A said...

She's a beauty. Handsome Kyle and Rambo, too.

DeniseinVA said...

Beautiful and a Happy Birthday to a sweet pup.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I like the picture where she has the tennis ball in her mouth. So cute!

Brandi said...

She's such a pretty girl! I have a howling dog too.

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

I had to laugh at the big stick photo as I was just throwing a great big stick for my son's puppy the other day and amazed at him carrying it! : )

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Pretty dog! Sometimes I'd trade all of my kitties for 1 dog. They have been a royal pain in the tush lately. I don't know what's gotten into them. Maybe they have spring fever, too.