Thursday, December 8, 2016

Animals Deserve Better

Have you ever read or heard a story of animal abuse and wish you could ignore it or wished you had never heard it?  It would be easier to not think about it, but then who would be their voice?  We need to know what is happening and how bad it is so we don't ignore how animals are being abused.  Animals that are pets, animals that are being consumed for food, animals being bred illegally just for a few dollars or given away for free on Craigslist.  A lot of these animals end up being used for fighting or for bait which is what cats and smaller dogs are used for, I can't stand the thought of this.  
I'm not a good person to help at shelters, I would be crying too much and trying to bring them all home. :(  This is probably why I've always made donations of some sort and also help spread the word to people that animals sometimes need a helping hand and not to ignore them if you see them struggling on the side of the road or in a backyard being abused or in a hot car...please don't ignore, just call for help.  Everyone can make a difference.  Even signing online petitions, it's not easy to read these stories I know, but it's a start to helping animals.  I can't believe I still eat meat, I don't eat much and we no longer eat Butterball.  I've called more than one large corporation to make them aware that I've seen the videos of animal abuse on their farms, not really farms, really prisons and that my family will no longer buy their products.  It's sad when all they care about is money.

As far as wildlife, I know it's easy to become frustrated with them at times.  Maybe if we put ourselves in their shoes then maybe we would understand wanting to build a nest in that chimney because we want to keep our family warm.  Maybe they feel frustrated with humans for invading their space because we do each and every day.
Shortly after moving to NC a man here in Cary was arrested for tying a young Siberian Husky to a tree and stabbing him several times with a sword.  The neighbor called 911 and the dog's cries were recorded in the call.  He was sentenced to 100 days in jail.  What do you think, is 100 days enough?  I personally feel there should be fines, jail time and counseling and ordered to never own or work around animals.  

Hope I didn't bring anyone down today.  I know there's a lot of good people out there helping animals, but there's never too many.  Rescues for domestic and wildlife accept all types of donations including food, old towels, paper towels, crates, etc.. So, if you're planning to pay a visit why not ask your neighbors, family, friends at church or work to make a donation as well. :)    

Here is the video from The LAD Bible that sparked my post.  
Please watch, it's very short, it shows two rescue pups becoming best friends. :)


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I agree 100 percent..

My Mind's Eye said...

Folks who abuse beings who cannot help themselves, i.e. children, the elderly and animals are lower than pond scum and I am positive will reap what they sow
Hugs madi and mom

Ginny Hartzler said...

This was a good video. I so hope they were adopted together. I hope they will not be let go till someone is found who will take them both. I totally agree with this, we are animal lovers, and watch all the vet and animal shows on T.V. We have also adopted many cats in our lifetime. We have two now. NOOOOOO, 100 days is not enough! If abusers knew they would get worse punishment then this, thy may think twice. I just cannot fathom HOW people can do this, it is mankind sunk to it's lowest. Perhaps the best punishment is for someone to do to them the same thing they did to the animal, you think?

Hootin Anni said...

NO!!! 100 days is NOT enough. No mater what the victim is, human OR animal, it you torture, I say they should face a judge, jury, trial. And may the time fit the crime....then, animal abuse would be a much less happening. Here, in Texas one fellow didn't feed his horses. He is now serving life without parole. Even tho we pay for his life with food shelter and all, I still feel he got his just awards and the horses are now being taken care of in foster homes and thriving.

Hootin Anni said...

I guess it should read just "rewards"....I'm kinda flustered at the moment.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

That story of the guy with the sword is haunting. He definitely needs counseling on top of the jail term. Anyone who would do that has some serious mental health issues :-(

Marg said...

it is so sad to read about all the abuse that goes on with animals. We just have to hope that all the shelter cats and dogs find good home and the cats and dogs that are running around loose also find good home. That is how I got so many cats, the neighbors weren't feeding them and they discovered that there was food here. Great post. By the way, I am just glad that the guy at least got 100 days.

Ann said...

The stories you hear about animal abuse are heartbreaking. 100 days is most definitely not enough

betty said...

Such a touching video! I'm glad it was short. Sometimes I just "can't" do videos like this; too heartbreaking! So glad they were able to be friends! So sad that anyone can be that cruel to treat an animal like that. Stricter sentences should be imposed in my opinion.


Betsy Banks Adams said...

People CAN be and ARE so cruel at times when it comes to animals. I've been keeping up with all of the fires in TN/NC.... SO SAD about the Gatlinburg area fires... At last count there were over 100 animals which had been rescued after the fires... Many of them are without owners now. So many people lost lives/homes/businesses. I cry every single time I see a video from the people in that area.

There was a neat story though about a little girl and her Mom having to leave their home because of the fires all around them. They had to leave the pony behind which made them so very very sad as you can imagine. HOWEVER, the pony made it ---and so the story had a good ending...

I published a blog post today--so check it out when you have time.

Hugs and Merry Christmas,