Thursday, January 31, 2013

Funny Turtles

After a visit to the grocery store I decided to drive behind the store to see what was back there, why not??  Yes, MadSnapper and other bloggers are rubbing off on me.:)   Little did I know there was a bunch of turtles posing and waiting for me, I hope I didn't keep them waiting too long. lol  Turtles crack me up!  What do you think of turtles?  There was a fence around the pond so I couldn't get too close.

When I was about 7 to 8 months pregnant I pulled over on the side of Colonial Drive here in Orlando, a six lane highway, to save a turtle.  That just about caused accidents!  Everyone was stopping to help the pregnant lady with the big snapping turtle. lol  I'm so glad they did! 

How did he get up there?!?


MadSnapper n Beau said...

been there done this... drove behind a Publix shopping center to see and there was a pond much like this one. nothing that day but i meant to go back... thanks for the reminder.
and how will HE get down from up there and i am wondering how he got there also. these are great

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Ha ha, I bet it took him a while to climb up there!

TexWisGirl said...

i always like seeing where they'll perch. i like how you framed that shot with the fence, too. :)

Beth said...

The turtle photos are great. I have never observed a turtle first hand. I think they are fascinating.

Chatty Crone said...

Well we don't have ponds behind our grocery stores darn it. But I love turtles - that was so cool they were just there waiting for you!

You are getting to be a mad snapper! And a good one too.

Ann said...

Good photo ops can be found in the most unexpected places. I like the one that is framed by the chain link fence.

SquirrelQueen said...

I love to see turtles especially when there are reflections on the water. You caught some great shots of both Marie. It's fascinating to see them climbing on rocks or tree roots.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my goodness! They are sunbathing and looking up. Almost like they are praying. Maybe to the giant tortoise in the sky.

Catherine said...

Such a sweet turtle family!!
xo Catherine

betty said...

How did he get up there? I like all the pictures, Marie! I do like turtles. I had to laugh. Where we used to live, I'd see a sign occasionally for "lost turtle" and then describing what the turtle looked like. I always wondered how a turtle could get lost since they seem to move so slow.


Deb said...

So glad you followed Sandra's lead...great photos

Betsy Banks Adams said...

There's barely a place that we can go these days without finding something to take pictures of.... Gotta love it....

I remember reading on the national news about YOU (the pregnant woman) saving the snapping turtle...... You were quite the celebrity...

Hope you have a good weekend. We finally got some SNOW this morning... Yeah!!! BUT--it was 10 degrees when I got up early today...

P.S. I was just kidding about you being on the news... (Just my warped sense of humor)....ha ha

SImple and Serene Living said...

I wonder if he will just flip himself off. I think turtles are very fascinating. :)

momto8 said...

what cool photos!! I have never seen turtles together like kids find one at a time. I would stop to save a turtle too!

Serena Bakes Simply From Scratch said...

I love turtles and your pregnancy story is too cute. Havea wonderful week..

Nancy said...

So nice to see turtles in their natural environment -- you got some great shots, Marie!

I've only seen one small turtle here on the farm and did have to save him as he was in the lane -- I almost ran over him!

Haddock said...

Turtles are the inquisitive type and not scared of venturing out anywhere.

Wendy Annabeth said...

Wow, how cool!!

kariotakis said...

cool lol

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