Thursday, February 28, 2013

Mama Mallard is Back

Depending on how long you've known me, you may or may not remember our Mama Mallard.  Mama Mallard made her nest in our front yard last year.  What a fun experience it was!  We escorted this proud Mama and her three ducklings down to the lake on Memorial Day where they started their adventure. :)
Well, Mama is back!  Seeing that we gave her a bath tub, food and even sprayed her with the water hose, oh how she loved that, it's no surprise that she has returned to the same nest. :)  And we're happy to see her!

Happy Friday everyone!  I will be picking up my mom and grabbing coffee and doing a little shopping.  Hopefully I'll find a treasure at the thrift store. 

I'm pretty and I know it!  lol

Mama is wondering why her tub is so small...
I do need to get her a larger tub. LOL  This is smaller than the one she had last year.

I know I haven't put on this much weight!  This can't be my tub!


betty said...

How sweet she came back Marie!! I hope you have a wonderful time with your mom!


Unknown said...

Happy Friday to you too ^_^
How lovely to have Mama Mallard back.
Enjoy the time with your mom and have a lovely day!

The Cranky said...

Awww, how lovely that she returned!

Randall said...

Ah that's awesome. We used to have two pairs of mallards each had mates and yeah the females are the ones that make the loudest duck calls lol. The males just quack like there's something stuck lol.

After they had duck-lets we bought one of those big collapsible pools and they had a blast in it. Awesome Marie!!

I live near the gulf here in Texas and we see a lot of ducks around this area and also some plopping down in some unexpected areas lol.


Kellie @ Delightfully Ludicrous said...

Aww, how cute! She remembered and came back!

Nancy said...

This is adorable! Love that she came back -- you made quite the impression on her. :)

SImple and Serene Living said...

She definitely needs a bigger tub. Hope you and your mom have a fun day.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my first laugh out loud of today.. that duck in the tub is hilarious.. and she is pretty so she should know it... glad she returned for you to spoil her. we saw a baby otter run accross the road this morning had to stop and wait for it to cross. amazing

Marie said...

Hey Sandra, the lake I grew up on had otters. They are a hoot!

Beth said...

I love the duck in the tub pic. I am so glad she came back to nest again.

TexWisGirl said...

that made me laugh out loud! love her legs showing thru the tub and her look of 'what the...?' :)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I am so excited she came back. Bet she will lay eggs there again.

Lynn Proctor said...

awww so cute!! hey let me know what treasure you find today :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

HA HA ---Loved seeing Mama in the small tub... You do need to get her a bigger tub... LOVE it...

Glad Mama is back --since you all were so good to her. How special!!!!

Thanks for sharing.

Anne said...

That is so cute the way she found her way back:) Hope you have a lovely weekend!

Raindrops and Daisies said...

Wonderful the way she came back Marie!

I hope your day with your Mum went well and that you got some nice buys!

Have a great week and I hope that March will be a good month for you.

Fiona ♥

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I'm so glad she came back and will provide another season of entertainment and enjoyment! Cute photo of her in the tub!

Ann said...

oh cool, she's back. She must have really liked the accommodations last year :)

Val said...

Note to self...get momma a bigger tub!!!
Too cute, she knows she has a great place to raise her little quackers!!
Have a nice time with your mum.

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh my goodness, it's good to see Mama again. She is one smart girl to return to your yard. That means little ones later, how exciting.

I hope you found some goodies at the thrift store Marie.

Chatty Crone said...

She is so cute in that tub. And she likes being sprayed with water??? lol And did you find anything from the thrift store?

Catherine said...

Haha! How wonderful to watch her all summer! She clearly knows a good home when she sees one. But ummm.... yes... a bigger bathtub is in order I think. Perhaps a 'kiddy pool'. ;)
xo Catherine

Anonymous said...

Awesome photos.

Wendy Annabeth said...

So sweet! Love the photos too :)