Friday, May 17, 2013

Double Trouble

Double Trouble is what the wildlife in my backyard was screaming when they saw not one hawk, but two!
Seriously, the birds and squirrels were making a fuss in my backyard.  I totally understood why when I saw this beautiful pair.  I think it may have been a parent and a youngster.  


SquirrelQueen said...

I can see why there was a commotion in your backyard with those two around. Your got some really great shots Marie, the hawks here never get that close. They do look like parent and child.

Ms. A said...

OH MY! I'm so glad I'm seeing beautiful photos of hawks and not the carnage they bestow.

Anonymous said...

You captured some amazing photos of the pair.
Enjoy your weekend.

The Cranky said...

Good reason for the commotion but, oh, your photos are lovely! I've always loved hawks.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they are beautiful, even if they are predators. you should hear the racket the parrots make at Jungle gardens when a predator flies over, they keep them under a big net to protect them but they know it is up there. great shots. hope they did not eat anyone you know. LOL

TexWisGirl said...

gorgeous and hungry-looking red-shoulders! :)

Marie said...

The youngster caught a small snake, but I didn't want to post it. :)
All other wildlife was fine here. :)

Chatty Crone said...

No wonder the wild life in your yard were scared - they are big and going after them. So wonderful to 'see' them though. Right? sandie

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hawks are beautiful birds, but I hope I NEVER see them around my home. I don't want them to 'get' my birdies!!!!!

Hope you have a great weekend.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Awesome pictures, how cool to have them come right in your yard!!!!

Betty Manousos said...

wow! hawks are such beautiful birds!
i've never seen a hawk in person.
love your shots!

happy weekend!

Tina@WhatWeKeep said...

Wow, gorgeous shots Marie!
I bet the critters were rattled to see this pair!

Annie Jeffries said...

Wow. That is pretty awesome. I don't blame the critters for being upset but clearly there were lessons to be taught and mama/papa? was focused.

Ann said...

I can see how the presence of two hawks could stir things up a bit. I'm assuming that they were just there to rest a bit and didn't actually cause any trouble?
Awesome shots, glad you were there to capture them

Catherine said...

Aren't they beautiful? And I can for sure understand why they made the other critters nervous. LOL!
xo Catherine

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Wow great bird!

Lynn Proctor said...

i love to bird watch---these are lovely photos---i used to have a huge hawk in my backyard---and it's funny the last week--i have a hoot owl in the back and it hoots all night!

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

WOW, what lens were you using to capture these? OUTSTANDING! I have yet to be able to capture one of these and they fly over the house all the time.