Monday, July 22, 2013

A Family of Geese

While visiting Cary, we saw this sweet family of geese crossing the road.  Of course hubby pulled onto the side of the road so that I could jump out and photograph this sweet family.  They waddled down a steep hill to get to a pond.  I fell on my butt while running down the steep hill to catch up! lol  It was well worth it! :)
While watching the family swim, one of the goslings was pulled under!  I was freaking out and Mama Goose was panicking and then the gosling popped back up!   I'm guessing a fish pulled it under and the gosling was too big for it.  Mom and Dad took the babies right back to shore!  
That's one lucky duck gosling!

This family was already on the pond.

This is part of the family I was trying to catch up with.

They took the babies onto the pond.

You can see the splash from when the baby was pulled under!

Baby is back!  Mama started circling and baby was screaming!

Quickly back to shore they went!
I love a happy ending!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

so happy to hear there is wildlife in Cary just like you have in orlando... and also happy the little guy popped back up

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos and I'm so happy there was a happy ending.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I love how fluffy they look.

TexWisGirl said...

hopefully just a fish and not a snapping turtle... *sigh*

thanks for risking a butt slide to take these shots. :)

Tina@WhatWeKeep said...

Oh no! I might have jumped in without thinking! LOL
Glad the whole family was safe.

renae said...

Oh pretty geese! These are great photos. Thanks for your attention to my post and the fun things you said about water in the summer etc. Those splash pads are really great fun.

Unknown said...

Sooo glad this had a happy ending!

Chatty Crone said...

I am going to try to remember to send you a picture Jean took of her pond - looked just like this - I wonder if you were right by her house! sandie

Ann said...

Oh that poor little gosling. I wonder what kind of fish it was that thought it could eat a gosling

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Those babies are adorable --and Mom and Dad do a great job of raising them. They grow up so fast --and when you get back to Cary, they'll be grown... Amazing!!!!!

When is the move? Found a house yet????


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Lots of family ducks in our pond too. Golden FUN watching them. Your pond looks lovely. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Anne said...

Lovely photos....have a good week:)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Truly, your photos are just beautiful!!! What a scary moment!! Well, TWO scary moments! The first picture with the fountain reflection and the mist and the babies right in the middle of it, it is awesome... the third and fourth pictures are also my favorite. So this was worth your fall, as long as you didn't get hurt. I hope you didn't?

Catherine said...

So sweet! And any hubby that pulls over for a photo opportunity is sweet as well. I'm glad I have one of those too! :)
xo Catherine

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I must have missed a post. Is Cary where you're moving to? I hope it all goes smoothly for you. The sweet little family is safe. Yay!! Good job capturing the adventure!

SquirrelQueen said...

Aw, those little ones are all so cute. I'm glad this story had a happy ending and the baby popped back up. Canada geese are very protective of their goslings so the mother must have been frantic.

Bas. said...

Wat een heerlijke vrolijke serie,geweldig.

Unknown said...

Lovely pictures, I love happy endings too. The ducklings are so cute :)

SImple and Serene Living said...

I love the babies. I would have been freaking out too :)

Jim said...

Beautiful shots.