Thursday, July 25, 2013

Two Years of Blogging

Today makes two years since I started my blog!  It's really hard to believe; time seems to fly by.  There are a few of you that have gotten to know me pretty well through email and I you.  You're all very dear to me and I cherish our friendships.  I really look forward to reading everyone's blogs everyday and when I am running behind I miss it so much. :)

Today I want to share something about myself that you don't know, but if you were to walk in my home you would know it immediately.  I have an Inspiration Wall.  Well, it's on the back of some cabinets. lol  It all started on one cabinet door in my kitchen where I have always taped up miscellaneous items that made me happy.  After I started blogging I came across so many positive quotes and words of wisdom I found to be inspirational I started writing them down.  As I was writing them I started taping them up so that I could see them everyday.  Now I have my Inspiration Wall, thanks to everyone in Blogland. :)
I'm happy to be here and I'm here to stay!

Hugs to you all,

This is my favorite..
The Inspiration Wall :)

The drawing of the car was on the refrigerator, my son drew it many years ago. :)

She believed She could, so She Did!
(some days I am and some days I'm goal is to be like this Everyday!)


Nancy said...

How neat to collect so much inspiration and have it handy to view. Congratulations on your two year anniversary.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i save a lot of quotes i find in blogland to, but i save them on my digital post it notes on my screens to the laptop and desk top,there are different ones on each screen. i read them over and over. I used to tape scripture on my bathroom mirror and memorize it... some quotes are just perfect and they come when we need them. my favorite is on both computers.

it’s not who you are that holds you back, its who you think you are not....

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 2 year blogaversary!
What a great idea to keep these words of wisdom and encouragement where you can see them daily.
It's been a pleasure to meet you through blogging and I enjoy our visits/emails so much.
Have a good day!

TexWisGirl said...

first, happy 2nd blogiversary!!! i am so glad we are friends. :)

i love your inspiration wall. very cool. i keep a few 'signs' for myself at my computer desk and change them out every so often.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Happy Blogaversary!! Love the inspiration wall. That is a neat idea! I loved the advice from a tree, I'm going to write that one down so I don't forget it!

I'm glad you're one of my blogging friends and happy you're here to stay!
Have a great day, Marie!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my gosh, I LOVE this idea, and think I WILL DO it! I think I can so I WILL!!! Happy, Happy blogverssary!!!

Lynn Proctor said...

marie, what a wonderful idea--very inspiring and touching :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

How wonderful, Marie. I love it... I collect phrases like that and put some on my sidebar on my blog --and change some of them each month... So--my blog is 'my' Inspiration Wall.

My favorite phrase that I have used for years is: "Surround yourself with Positive People."


Chatty Crone said...

And not only that - but you also dreamed of moving to NC and there you go! sandie

Ann said...

congratulations on two years of blogging. I look forward to reading your blog for many years to come. Cool idea with the inspiration wall.

Shug said...

Congrats on your 2 year adventure. I think your wall is a fabulous idea! Believe it or not, my husband is a keeper of things that make him happy...the inside of his bathroom doors are covered with all kinds of things, as well as the inside of his bible.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Wishing you a Golden Congrats 2years. Pawsome collection of inspiration. Looking for many more years. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Congrats on 2 years! That's a long time :-)

I love your inspiration wall.

Tina@WhatWeKeep said...

Congrats, Marie! I love your wall...I have cut outs and scraps of paper all over with words that inspire me. Looking forward to seeing it again next year!

SquirrelQueen said...

What a great idea, I love your inspiration wall Marie. I have a few things on the bulletin board next to my desk but nothing like this.

Happy 2ND Blogoversary!

Unknown said...

Congrats on the anniversary.
Love the inspiration wall idea.

Catherine said...

This is so cool! What a terrific idea.
And happy blogiversary! :)
xo Catherine

Val said...

Happy 2 years, I think I'm finally back after 4 months of craziness. I've missed visiting you.
Love the inspiration wall, I do something similar, I just write them in a journal and refer to it frequently. Enjoy your 2yrs and here's to LOTS more!!

renae said...

hi Sweet Marie!

Ya, I am finally able to sit and blog. I have rested and rested and now am stir crazy. I'm still laying on my bed at times and others I am here at my desk. The pain has subsided for a while.

I injured myself a week ago on Sunday, but had managed through the week. But, on this past Sunday I re-injured it again. The pain in in my right rib-cage. I haven't been to a dr cuz everything I read about that sort of injury is just rest and rest and rest and take pain relievers and rest.

I figure I just have to be extra careful. So that is the road I'm on now.

Your inspirational thoughts are wonderful. No wonder you are so sweet! Thank you for all of your many comments while I've been resting. It really helped hearing from you.

Serena Bakes Simply From Scratch said...

Congratulations Marie on 2 years! I love your inspiration quotes and pictures, I never know what to do with all the things the kids do and favorite things from the fridge but I might have to copy you and move them to my cabinets! A little piece of sunshine every time you open the cupboard!

Marianne (Mare) Baker Ball said...

I tape up stuff too! Mainly quotes that I really like, or scripture. Snippets of paper cover my kitchen cabinets. It's the place I am most of the time, so I see these words of wisdom often!

Annie Jeffries said...

Your wall is great. What I like best is that you wrote the quotes and wisdom out rather than printing them out. It is like taking it in and making it your own.