Saturday, November 29, 2014

Hope It Was Wonderful

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!  We ate too much and laughed a lot!  

We went Christmas tree shopping last night and found a pretty Fraser Fir.  Tonight will consist of baking cookies and decorating the tree. :) 

"We will never have 
a perfect world,
but it's not romantic 
or naive to work 
toward a better one."
-Steven Pinker


TexWisGirl said...

you're just jumping right in to the next holiday while your bellies are still full. :)

love your pretty robin! and glad you had a great thanksgiving.

btw, ms. sandra/madsnapper left you a comment on my post today. :)

Ms. A said...

Lovely shot, Marie! Nice to hear your Thanksgiving was wonderful! Mine was too, exhausting, but wonderful.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

oh good you found a robin in your yard.. or near by... glad you had a good time, can't wait to see the tree.

betty said...

How fun with decorating the tree! Enjoy!


JoJo said...

I am so sick of eating. lol I'm glad Thanksgiving is just once a year. Time to put up the Christmas decs now!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I'm so glad you had a great day! On the other hand, this robin better get outta Dodge, or he will be freezing shortly.

Ann Thompson said...

Glad to hear you had a good Thanksgiving. Look forward to seeing your tree all decorated

Chatty Crone said...

We had a nice Thanksgiving - glad you did too - and that your are liking it in good old NC!

Catherine said...

Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving and found a pretty tree!! Lovely!
xo Catherine

Tina@WhatWeKeep said...

Beautiful shot, Marie. Cookies and tree decorating...bliss. :)

alp said...

Bonita imagen... Un saludo desde Murcia....

Unknown said...

Glad to hear that you had a great Thanksgiving. We do not celebrate Thanksgiving here, but we had a great weekend. Peter's Daughter was here last night, and it's always nice to get together. The christmas tree will get up this week and decorated. I love this time of year. Enjoy your week ahead!

My Mind's Eye said...

OHHHHHH a very lovely photo of a robin!
We look forward to seeing your Christmas Tree....and how about a virtual cookie please?
Hugs Madi and Mom

DeniseinVA said...

Glad you had such a great Thanksgiving. I also love your robin shot and that great quote.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Fun times! We did our tree too this weekend.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful!! :)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving. We just finished the last of the turkey that I used to make soup and I'm wishing I had some pumpkin pie left. lol! You got a great shot of the robin!

SquirrelQueen said...

Glad to hear you had a great Thanksgiving. We kept it simple this year with just the two of us and the cats of course. Love your shot of Mr. Robin, I'm already looking forward to them returning to our area come spring.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Yes---we did have a nice Thanksgiving... And now --we are ready for Christmas. Gosh--time is flying by!!!!!!

Even though we have an artificial tree these days, my favorite live trees in past were Fraser Firs from North Carolina... SUCH gorgeous trees.

Merry Christmas.

Betsy Banks Adams said...
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