Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Blue Birds Looking For A Home

I've been taking a lot of pics with my new camera.  Now I have three, my Nikon Coolpix which is a very handy size, will fit right into my pocket, and takes great pics.  A Canon Powershot that is now working when it wants to, so it's not very dependable, but a great camera.  And my new camera is a Canon PowerShot SX50 HS.  I love it!  Sandra at MadSnapper knew I needed a new camera and she told me about this one.  She knows how much I like to photograph wildlife and this has a super lens for it!  Thanks for the recommendation, Sandra, you're an awesome friend!  
I used my new camera to take these pics of the Blue Birds.  I know the color is off, but I was just so thrilled to see them!  I started snapping crazy fast and there was no time to adjust the color! lol  I was actually inside drinking coffee and working on my ebay when I saw these pretties flying about.  So, all of these were taken from inside looking out into my backyard.  These are some of the prettiest birds I've ever seen and they are fast!  Looks like they're checking to see if this house is available. :)

Is it vacant??

I'll be back! 


TexWisGirl said...

these are great!

congrats on the new camera choice! i've known several bloggers who have that camera and do impressive 'zoomies' with it. only one or two returned it because they had trouble with the viewfinder, i think. looks like you don't have that issue! :)

Ms. A said...

How exciting! Great shots, too!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am glad you love it and that zoom is awesome... they are adorable and you did good to capture them... does the new camera have an eye viewer? or just the LED screen...

Michaele said...

What a fun capture with a great new camera! I love my Canon.

betty said...

Those are great pictures you captured, Marie! They are cute blue birds :)


The Cranky said...

Beautiful photos of such lovely and hard to capture birds - you did a great job!

Val said...

Beautiful birds those bluebirds, I miss them. Have fun with the new camera.

Ann said...

oh what fun, a new camera. It takes a nice picture. These are great

Chatty Crone said...

Man those are some beautiful shots!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

How exciting to have a new camera. Looks like it takes fantastic pictures!

Jacked Up Glock Mom said...

Those pic are awesome Marie! The bluebirds of winter are all over the place here at the estate. I have a crape myrtle outside the kitchen window, I woke up yesterday morning and three or four were sitting on the branches..

Enjoy that Camera!

JoJo said...

Thank you so much for visiting my blog! I love your bluebird pics. I've never seen one in real life. We have blue jays, and we had stellars jays out west.

Catherine said...

Love your sweet little blue birds! So pretty!
xo Catherine

My Mind's Eye said...

Marie these are fantastic photos of Eastern Bluebirds!! Love the action shot.
I hope this week's cold weather wasn't too brutal for your Florida blood.
Very unusual to be that cold in November.
Hugs madi and cecilia

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Don't you just love Bluebirds. I have a nesting box for 'my' Bluebirds and they have used it every year since we have been here... We have the Bluebirds year-round here --and right now, there are four which come to my feeders (for their mealworms) several times a day...

Great pictures, Marie.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

LOVE these shots!! I am a huge fan of bluebirds :) I wish you a fantastic Monday!

Betty Manousos said...

happy thanksgiving!! xo

Tina@WhatWeKeep said...

Wow! I love these birds. It's amazing that we can get these indoor shots with a good zoom, isn't it?

SquirrelQueen said...

House hunting is serious business and takes time but looks like this might be the right one. :)

I love your series of pics, congrats on the new camera.