Monday, January 12, 2015

Cute Critters

These beauties visit our backyard regularly and we love it!  We believe in "Live & Let Live".  They're all so beautiful and entertaining!  I'll probably go shopping for a bird bath or two soon so I can encourage more visitors, including bees.  As far as squirrels, I make sure to feed them away from the house and I don't feed them too much, I don't want them to become dependent on us. :)  I do have a feeder for them to reach and two other feeders that are just for the birds.  We have rabbits that live in our front yard so we're careful to not blow all the leaves away or clean up too well. lol  
We're also trying to be careful when treating our yard for fleas, weeds, etc..  We use soap & water or vinegar as much as possible.  Vinegar is a favorite for me when cleaning inside, but I prefer the smell of lemons. 

Any of you have cleaning advice to share?  I would love to hear it. :)    

One of our Mama Squirrels.

 Tufted Titmouse
This is my first time seeing them in person!  So cute!

He found a treat!

Love watching Robins..

This little guy is extra special to me.
He is the squirrel that welcomed us here when we first moved in.
He was quite young and brave.  Not everyone is kind to furry visitors.
 He is the only one that will walk up to the sliding glass doors and say hi to our pups. :)

I hope to have a family of Blue Birds in our backyard this spring.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

the squirrels are darling the blue bird and the Robin photos are spectacular. we do the same thing for our critters, that includes snakes but NOT spiders..

Marie said...

Ever since I was bit by a Brown Recluse I prefer spiders to stay away from our home. :)

Ann Thompson said...

You have a lot visitors to your yard. That bluebird is so pretty

My Mind's Eye said...



TexWisGirl said...

oh, just love all your birdies and your fur-monsters, too. :)

cleaning advice? hahahaha! i don't even clean the INSIDE of the house!

Chatty Crone said...

I don't any clean up advice - but I have to say you have some nice shots there - very pretty little critters in NC.

WE said...

Live & Let Live -- Very true. If everyone started living with this in mind, feel good imagining the happiness around us.

You captured excellent pictures of nature, Marie. Thanks for sharing.

betty said...

So cute the critters in your neighborhood and yard!! I would never get tired of looking at them as they came to eat from the various feeders!


Ms. A said...

Marie, the photos are wonderful and I'm so glad you have wildlife at your new home to keep you company! I look forward to seeing what else shows up!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

They are fantastic!

I make a carpet cleaner with vinegar, water, and a squirt of dish soap.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

LOVE the bluebird picture!! I dream of a world where squirrels and birds can peacefully coexist :)

JoJo said...

Great pics! Alas wildlife stays away from my yard for the most part due to my dogs barking at them if they are spotted from the windows. Out west, before I got my dogs, I had a squirrel come to my slider every day and would take peanuts from my hand. I named her Mrs. Whiskerson. The following spring she turned up with her baby, teaching him/her to get nuts from us too. It was so cute.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Love your critters- and always love to see the gorgeous bluebirds...God painted them in watercolors. Have a great day!~

Michaele said...

It is always fun to watch the wildlife that chooses to visit. Your photos are awesome and just make me feel good.

Marg said...

Those squirrels are just so cute. I like squirrels too. You have some pretty birds there too. I can't put out feeders since there are so many cats that live here. You have a great day.

DeniseinVA said...

Live and let live is a good philosophy. I love your photos. I welcome all critters also, but wary of insects like spiders, termites and wasps. I am always looking for green products. I use vinegar also when cleaning.

Wendy Annabeth said...

Your photos are just amazing :)

Ela said...

Such lovely creatures :)

Connie said...

Hello Marie, I love the squirrel photos. We had them at our old home but haven't seen any here. I was just talking to my neighbor about buying a finch feeder and she said that she had one we could have. The thistle seed is too expensive for her. It can be high but I just love watching those little birds. Your blue bird is beautiful, that is something I have never seen around here either. I love finding other Christian bloggers and have just become your newest follower. I would be honored to have you visit and follow me back.
Have a lovely day.
Connie :)

renae said...

Wow! Those birds and squirrels are that close, ur um, in your neighborhood. (lucky). Thanks for your warm WELCOME back!!!! ♥

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

I have some tame squirrels too...they'll sit on the table outside the window waiting for me to bring peanuts. Then there's my bluejay. Either he'll be outside calling for peanuts or I can whistle for him and he'll come if he's around :)

Such cute shots you have in this post. Those little titmice can be quite noisy, too! :)