Sunday, February 19, 2017

Day Two of The Crow

I've really enjoyed hearing about your Crow experiences.  If you didn't see my blog post from yesterday you should go there to read about some blogger's encounters with these smart birds.  
I remember one day hubby and I got food from Chick-fil-A and ate in a nearby parking lot.  Our windows were down and here came a few Crows.  It was as if they had done this before, beg people for some crumbs. lol  I started throwing pieces of waffle fries to them, not many because they're so yummy haha! and they're full of salt.  Anyway, one Crow started burying some of the pieces!  I had never seen any bird bury food before and I haven't seen it since.
I'm super curious, have any of you seen a bird bury food??

Happy Sunday to you!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

awesome photos.. love the shine of the feathers where the sun touches them.. no, have never seen or heard of birds burying food.

Ann Thompson said...

Nope, never seen a bird bury food. My husband feeds the crows that hang out near the shop he works at

Ginny Hartzler said...

Super great pictures! I know that squirrels bury nuts. There are lots of them around here. They remember where 40% of them were buried. But I have never heard of crows burying food! I guess it is logical that they would, considering that they stick treasures up drainpipes to hide them.

JoJo said...

Really awesome pics! I'm kind of a failure at bird pics. They always hear me and fly away.

betty said...

I have not seen a bird bury food. Very fascinating!!


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

How strange. I have not heard of birds doing this. We have a lot of crows around. Sometimes they like to perch in a row along our wooden fence line.

Sketching with Dogs said...

We have crows in the trees outside our garden but I've never seen them burying food.
Thanks for following my blog. I don't know if you noticed but I followed you too, you might have recognised Elliot's photo but the account is in my teancakes name.

Hootin Anni said...

I have seen grackles take dried bread pieces to the bird bath to soften them...does that count?

Hootin Anni said...

I have seen grackles take dried bread pieces to the bird bath to soften them...does that count?

DeniseinVA said...

That's really interesting. I have never seen birds burying their food. I know woodpeckers make holes in trees with beaks to poke in seeds. I like crows. I get a few on my deck in the summer months and they always make me smile. I used to put my trash out front on trash day and the crows were always in the trees waiting. Took me a while to figure that if I put white trash bags out they would come down and tear them apart. If I put them in black bags they would leave them alone. I have no clue as to why this is the case.

Marg said...

That is interesting about the crow burying the food. Wonder if they go back and dig it up. We have many crows here that come and any cat food that doesn't get eaten. Have a great week.

baili said...

what a wonderful capturing .
i found these photos very interesting!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

You have been getting some amazing shots, both in this one and the newer post! :)