Saturday, March 24, 2012

A Spring Stampede

As we were turning the car around to find a place to park we noticed a little stampede had started.  I had to hurry and start snapping!  I did the best I could considering there are a lot of trees and these horses, cows and calf were cruising!  I couldn't believe that little calf was running with the horses!  Mama cow was trying to catch up with her baby!  We had a blast watching these beautiful animals.

Do you see the calf?  Mama cow is trying to catch up! LOL

They started slowing down.

This is Mama cow and after the stampede she went a trotting over to these horses and she had a lot to say.
We could hear her from across the road!  She wasn't too happy. 
I think she was giving them grief for almost running over her baby.


TexWisGirl said...

oh, they were all squirrely! :)

Chatty Crone said...

I think I would be mad - I'm sure she was! sandie

Val said...

Whoa Nellie!! what action :)

Jane said...

Lovely photos and a great blog! I will be back to visit again!


Ginny Hartzler said...

What fun!!! It seems they run like this in the spring because they are feeling their oats and spring is in the air! That baby will grow up to be strong!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

what a sight, glad you caught it for us, i can hear that mad mamma mooing now. great shots and what fun, they are beautiful, all of them

Ann said...

How fun to get to watch them especially with that calf running with them. That must have been something with the mama cow giving those horses heck after it was all over

Janie said...

I am with you on this one…
Think I would of been there all day.
The horses are beautiful.
Great story.

Catherine said...

No matter the species, a mom is a mom. ;)
Fun photos!
xo Catherine

betty said...

Poetry in motion I bet it was to see them running around like that! Great pictures of them too!


SImple and Serene Living said...

They were just doing what kids do, playing on a beautiful day and it didn't matter to them if they were cows and horses. Of course, being a mama, she had to get her two cents in :)

Serena Bakes Simply From Scratch said...

Marie~ I awarded you the Versatile Blogger Award because I ♥ your blog and think you have a wonderful blog! Have a fantastic week my friend!

Susan said...

How funny! I bet that mama cow was giving them grief, and the calf had a ball!

momto8 said...

fascinating really!!

SquirrelQueen said...

You got some great action shots Marie. I'm betting the calf was really enjoying playing with the big kids. Mama probably gave those young whippersnappers a real lecture.

I hope you had a great weekend.

Lisa said...

They really are beautiful