Thursday, March 1, 2012

First Day of March Is Beautiful

A heart in love with beauty never grows old.


Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Well, you just took me down memory lane with your wonderful beautiful pictures, Awesome captures! I smiled when I saw the Jays, they are so funny in character. We raised several growing up so I know what mischief they can get into. We also had a dove named Doris. Mom was the neighborhood vet so-to-speak. We even had a squirrel named Peanuts who was house trained. YEP! that right, he would hang on the kitchen screen door and pee out the screen. Those were the days when we did not have air condition. He would go out during the day and come home at dusk. So did the wild birds we raised... oh! there was a neighbor that drank heavily and each day would see the Jay flying into the house from the back door. JayJay would sit in the tree and call for mom to open the door, she did and in he would fly. The neighbor who was intoxicated came staggering over to ask if that was a Jay that just flew into our house. Well.....we could have had fun with that question seeing the state he was in but we said yes. He said he was glad for he feared he was hallucinating.

Thanks for your wonderful pictures and my trip...

TexWisGirl said...

these made me smile. then i got to your last one and just broke out in a GRIN!!! :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

These are wonderful!!!! My favorites are the first and last. I NEVER would have thought of taking a picture of the first sky and tree, so ordinary. But you have made it wonderfully beautiful, featuring the abundance of the tree leaves and the beauty of the contrasting sky.

Val said...
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Val said...

Trying again, these are beautiful, of course my favorite is the picture of the squirrel. :)

Serena Bakes Simply From Scratch said...

I love the blue jays! It always reminds me of my Granny, she would always point them out when I was young! Great picture's! Have a great week my friend!

Serena Bakes Simply From Scratch said...

I love the blue jays! It always reminds me of my Granny, she would always point them out when I was young! Great picture's! Have a great week my friend!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Great photos, Marie! I really love seeing the green, I can't wait until it greens up here this spring. It won't be long now!

Ann said...

What a nice way to welcome in March. Wonderful shots of the birds and the squirrel. Love that quote too.

Chatty Crone said...

Those are very nice pictures of the birds - isn't it great to see them outside. Now the squirrel while cute - they frustrate me. sandie

SquirrelQueen said...

That lush green tree against the deep blue sky is gorgeous, I stared at that shot for awhile. Hopefully it won't be long before we have that kind of view.

Marie, you of course know which photo is my favorite. He is so cute and that's a great shot. I also like the two jays sitting on the fence. They look like they are waiting for a handout.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

PS Just wanted to let you know to stop by my blog, I left something there for you. Have a great day!

momto8 said... figured out how to use that camera!!!!!
fabulous pics!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

awesome!!! each and all of these. can't pick a favorite. fantastic trees you have and 2 jays in one pic is amazing. great shots all of them

Leontien said...

Ohhh great pictures!!!! Now if only i could get those jays in our garden to sit still! haha

I just scrolled down and saw the pics of the squirrel and the possum! Beautiful!!!

So glad to be back here!
Big hugs from Indiana

Catherine said...

Waaaaa!! I want spring too! We got a big dump of snow. It makes me sad. :(

Thank you for sharing your spring photos!
xo Catherine