Sunday, April 15, 2012

She's Got The Moves

This is our Mama Squirrel.  I wonder how many cups of coffee I need to drink in the morning to be able to move like that?!?!  Hope everyone has a terrific Monday!

She makes it look so easy!


TexWisGirl said...

cute little varmint! :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

You got some really good action shots! I haven't seen you in awhile, glad you are back.

betty said...

I'm amazed you could capture the pictures like that! Awesome! Hope your day is a great one!


SquirrelQueen said...

That's one wild move. Makes me wonder if perhaps Mama Squirrel has a stash of coffee beans she's been munching one. They are expert acrobats. Great shots Marie, love that last one.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

agility thy name is mama squirrel. to funny.

Chatty Crone said...

I don't think there would be enough coffee in the world to get me to move like that! lol sandie

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Oh, I can only dream of moving like that. Must be nice! Great photos, Marie!

Marianne (Mare) Baker Ball said...

How funny! Great action shots!

Ann said...

Well I can tell you that there isn't enough coffee in Columbia that can make me move like she does :)

momto8 said...

what shots!! wow. now I understand how they ate all our birdseed!!

Catherine said...

Mamma squirrel is one fast moving woman! Well... one would have to be with new babies would they... ;)

xo Catherine

Catherine said...

Wouldn't they... not would they... honestly... bad typing.

SImple and Serene Living said...

I love our city wildlife. Watching the antics of our squirrel at the bird feeder is hilarious.

Lisa said...

Oh my goodness this is priceless. How sweet , How very very cute.
Loved your post

Deborah said...

That's me in the afternoon after about 4-5 cups of coffee! hehehehe
Have a great day!

Pearl said...

I'm thinking a Red Bull (or Five-Hour Energy)...



Anonymous said...

Great captures and all for an acorn.....LOL

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi Marie and congrats on winning the book about Charlie!!
Great actions shots.
Mom and I are long time friends with Ms. Judy at Through Squirrel Eyes so we just had to come by to say Hi. As you can see I'm a cat so Ms. Judy and I have lots in common. I have a squirrel post set up for tomorrow.
They are popular little critters.
Hugs Madi

Dianne ... Walking In His Grace said...

Sweet momma squirrel... She's got the moves.:) All great captures. Makes me smile and think of the photos of my backyard squirrels that I have missed, such as type roping on my clothesline to my bird feeder, and hanging from my lighthouse feeder, and then my little dog Jesse comes running and barking at them and they scatter in every direction. Oh well the birds don't mind. Just means more food for them. Ha!
I do love the squirrels too and there is plenty of food for them on the ground, but the bird feeders are off limits.
I enjoyed reading your post and looking at these great shots.
Dianne :)