Thursday, June 14, 2012

Tree Down

My son and I saw this last night in a Publix parking lot. 
I hope no one was hurt!  We've had a lot of storms with a lot of lightning here lately.  My mother in law lives in Pensacola and it's been a real mess there.  I hope everyone is keeping safe!

Not the greatest lighting, but you get the idea. :)


TexWisGirl said...

i like the way the shopping carts 'glisten'. :)

hoping the parts of the country that need rain get it and the gulf gets some relief!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

The storms have been crazy this week.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

good thing it fell on the carts and not a car or person. i just saw on the radar you are having storms now. we have not had any rain for about 10 days, we sit here and watch it head to you, and pass us by. i am glad we did not get what penscola got, but we do need rain. 2 weeks ago in 3 days we got a blessed 7 inches then nothing.

Tina@WhatWeKeep said...

These storms are scary- we had horrible wind but escaped the baseball sized hail that Dallas got.
Glad you are okay. :)

Marianne (Mare) Baker Ball said...

Whoa. Looks scary. We've had some bad storms here in Melbourne, too. It's the beginning of hurricane season here in FL! Hope it's a mild one this year.

momto8 said...

wow...that is a powerful storm!

betty said...

Wow that had to be a powerful storm! Looked like it was a tall tree!! I'm with you; hope no one did get hurt! We rarely get storms like that here, especially during summer, but we sure had some big ones when we lived in Santa Fe and in Montana.

do be safe!


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my goodness, I hope no wires were involved!

Unknown said...

Hua - Storms are scary sometimes.
good that it didn't fall on a person. Happy Friday!

Catherine said...

A very scary storm when it knocks down trees! I hope everyone stayed safe!
xo Catherine

Ann said...

glad no one was standing under there when it fell

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness I am so sorry you all are having this weather - I have been in a fog last week - but I do hope the weather gets better! sandie

SquirrelQueen said...

It looks like those carts took a beating. I hope that's all that got damaged. I know how bad the storms can get down that way, maybe the worst is over.
We have been having nice weather lately but they say we have wind coming in Sunday.

Raindrops and Daisies said...

Stay safe.

Fingers crossed the weather improves soon.

Fiona x