Saturday, June 23, 2012

Thank You Mare

A wonderful blogger, Mare, at
Fabulous Blog Ribbon.

Thank you so much Mare for thinking of me!  
I enjoy your blog tremendously!
You're a wonderful writer!

The fabulous blog ribbon must be shared, which I'm happy to do.  First, though, the required self-revelations:  Name five things I've experienced in my life that were fabulous.    

My fabulous five:
1. My pregnancy, every flutter, every kick and every hiccup I enjoyed more than I can 

express.  Having a life grow inside me is the most Fabulous experience I've ever had!

2. When Craig and I were dating and I realized that I would be with him forever was way Fabulous

3. Every animal rescue, from squirrels in the middle of a highway to puppy dogs on Christmas Day.  Nothing but Fabulous

4. Strangers complimenting my son's manners.  This is a Fabulous experience for a mom!   

5. While growing up not only did I have grandparents, I was also blessed with two great-grandmothers.  This was truly Fabulous!

Five things I don't like:

1. People that litter!  Can't stand them, want to slap them! LOL 
2. Bad drivers. 
3. Animal neglect or abuse.
4. Seeing an elderly person alone.  Just sad.  
5. Wasting money!!! 

Five things I love:

1. I Love my husband, son and puppy dogs!

2. I Love to laugh!
3. I Love family traditions.
4. I Love nature.
5. I just Love road-trips! 

I would like to pass this Fabulous Blog Ribbon Award on to the following blogs:

1. A Bench With A View Betty and her Corgi, adorable Koda, have wonderful life stories to share along with some fantastic book reviews.

2. My Girlz Got Paws Val has a big heart for animals in need and two cute puppy dogs! You will love her stories and photos from Nebraska and Hawaii!

3. The Run A Round Ranch Report Theresa is awesome!  Where she lives is paradise and she shares a part of it everyday with us bloggers.  She has monthly giveaways of her beautiful artwork.

4. Corner Of Cats Mind Catherine is a hoot!  She shares wonderful photos and must have the most handsome cat in Canada!

5. Serena Bakes From Scratch Serena can't be real!  ha ha!  I say this because I don't know how she cooks like she does.  Everything is from scratch!  I'm not into cooking, but I love to eat!  Every time I visit Serena's blog I leave there hungry...for what she's making. :)    

6. Two Bears Farm And The Three Cubs Lisa has everything going on!  She does canning, participates in marathons, makes muffins from scratch, sells on Etsy and while doing all of this she is raising three boys and two are twins!

Oops! I think I have six blogs here...oh well. :)  Enjoy!     

Pass the award to five other bloggers (and leave a comment on their blog, so they know they are a recipient.) 




Ginny Hartzler said...

Congratulations on the blog award, you really deserve it! And I got to know you better, seeing what I already know, that you are sweet and tender hearted. I follow blog #6 and really enjoy Lisa. She does it ALL!

Beth said...

Congrats on the award, I enjoyed learning those things about you.

TexWisGirl said...

oh, girlie, you are just a bundle of fabulous love and joy. :)

thank you, dearheart, for recognizing me. i do appreciate it very much.

betty said...

congrats on the award and thank you so much for passing it on to me! I enjoyed reading your fabulouses (is that such a word?)
But each so very special indeed! I think that speaks volumes on the way you raised your son that he has the manners he has! And how neat you had the experience to be around great grandmothers too; truly a blessing I do believe! Love all your loves too!!

thanks again!

may you have the most joyous of Sundays!


SquirrelQueen said...

Congrats on the award Marie!
I always like to learn more about my blogging buddies. You and I share dislikes for sure.

It must have been fabulous to have known your great-grandmothers, what a wonderful experience.

Happy Weekend!

Raindrops and Daisies said...

Congratulations on your award Marie
it is well deserved.

I loved reading about you and getting to know about who you are.

Have a great weekend.

Fiona x

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am loving all your LOVE's and disliking all your dislikes, we are much the same. congrats and enjoying knowing you better.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Congrats on your award! It's awesome you loved pregnancy so much. :-)

Thank you so much for the sweet words and award!

Catherine said...

Well aren't you a sweetie! Thank you my friend!

I like your fabulous five, totally agree with your five don't likes and the five loves.

BTW ~ Banjo believes he is the most handsome cat in Canada too! ;)

Wishing you a beautiful Sunday!
xo Catherine

Ann said...

Congratulations on your award. I always enjoy reading these and learning a little bit more about the person behind the blog

Chatty Crone said...

I am so glad you received this - good for you. And I too am glad to get to know you better. But I already knew your loves and that you are a wonderful gal. sandie

Serena Bakes Simply From Scratch said...

Congratulations on the award sweetie! It was so sweet of you to think of me! You made my day with your kind words! I hope you have a fabulous Sunday! You deserve it!

Val said...

HI, Thanks for the award Marie...I'm kinda slow at getting them up on my blog, but I will try.
Hope you are staying dry with all that much needed rain.
Thanks again, you are FABULOUS!!

Lynn Proctor said...

congrats! yes so sad to see lonely older people and i love road trips too!

Shug said...

Big congrats to you! I just love these kind of post...really lets you understand your blogging friends..
Have a Happy Week...

Nancy said...

Big Kudos on your blog award, Marie! Always great to learn more about our blog friends.

Wishing you a wonderful week ahead!

Lynn Proctor said...

congrats--and i love a bench with a view!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Congrats on your award, Marie! I enjoyed reading your likes and dislikes. We share many of the same ones.
Have a great week!

Betty Manousos said...

congrats on the well deserved award, sweetmarie. always great to learn more about fellow bloggers.

we are all floating in this blogosphere..

happy wednesday!

SImple and Serene Living said...

I love the things you love. :)