Sunday, June 10, 2012

Son's Wishful Thinking

My baby boy is turning sixteen at the end of the month.  He has just one item on his birthday wish list, a car.  What sixteen year old boy doesn't want a car???  I haven't met one yet. :)  While visiting family at the Hard Rock Hotel, at Universal Studios, Kyle spotted a car that he wouldn't mind having for his first car.  Kyle snapped these pics while out and about with his cousins.  
Oh, the boy can always make me laugh!   

A little red Ferrari never hurt anyone.  ha ha!


TexWisGirl said...

oh, yeah. let's just start there! no where to go but down from that automotive pinnacle!

betty said...

Can you imagine the insurance premiums on a car like that with a 16 y/o driver? Its a great looking car though! (for when he's 55 :)

You are right, 16 y/o boys and cars go hand in hand. Son's first car was a 1997 Suzuki Sidekick; it was good it wasn't a fancy car, the way he drove it and took care of it :)

I have to say though, even though we worry about them when they get their license and are driving on their own, it sure freed up a lot of time for me not taking him to school, etc :)


Ginny Hartzler said...

A 16 year old boys dream, if there ever was one. Also a middle aged man's!! He can wait till then...

Ann said...

A 16 year old sons dream and a mother's Beautiful car but if I had a 16 year old driving around in that I would be a total basket case

Catherine said...

May as well dream big! :)
xo Catherine

MadSnapper n Beau said...

if you get that one for him, i will drive over there to get a ride in it.

SquirrelQueen said...

Hey, a guy's got to have a dream. She is a beauty, I wouldn't mind taking it for a spin myself.

Unknown said...

Men/boys and their vehicles...
yep, a lifelong passion :)

Chatty Crone said...

Maybe SOMEDAY he will have it! lol sandie

Tina@WhatWeKeep said...

You just have to laugh, don't you?
Can you imagine how much fun he had taking those pictures?
Boys and their never ends. : )

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

He knows how to dream big :-)

momto8 said...

this is a very practical car for a 16 year old boy too!