Monday, August 20, 2012

Our Sunday Rescue

Our pup, Rocket, found a squeaky toy in the backyard on Sunday.  I was in the kitchen and I'm very familiar with that sound.  I knew it was a baby squirrel calling for its mama.  I ran outside and there he was under our Gardenia bush.  Rocket didn't even harm one hair on the little guy!  I scooped him up and checked him over.  He looked in good shape except maybe starting to get dehydrated.  I got him wrapped in a t-shirt and place him in a shoe box and placed a heating pad under the box.  
A mama will not take back a cold baby because she thinks he may be sick and doesn't want to make her other babies sick.  Also, you don't want to feed a cold baby.  I had high hopes of the mama coming back for him, but it never happened.  There's a good chance that something happened to the mama and this little guy was hungry and started crawling around in the nest looking for food and fell out of the nest.  He's about three to four weeks old and has a great set of lungs on him! 

I took him to a very nice lady that works with the wildlife rescue group that I've been dealing with for over twenty years.  I would love to have raised him, but here lately I don't have the time to give him. He will need around the clock feedings, etc..  I will be going back to visit him and I'll be sure to carry my handy camera.  :)  
Remember to help all creatures big or small.  Good deeds aren't always convenient. :)

his eyes haven't opened yet.

totally helpless

here's where the little guy was found.

I took these pics with my right hand while holding the little guy,
so, please over look bad lighting, etc..

he's in nursing position, he'll be getting fed soon.


TexWisGirl said...

oh, poor little one! glad you were able to save him and turn him over to a rehab person!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

What a cute little one. I hope he does well in rehab.

Catherine said...

Poor wee baby! I'm so glad s/he ended up in such loving hands! I look forward to photos of this wee one getting bigger. Adorable!
xo C

Beth said...

I am so glad you rescued him!!

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

God sure knew you would be there for this sweet baby and you knew just where to take him.

We raised one from this age when I was a child. Mom was the neighborhood vet (so to speak). We named him peanuts and we had him 3 years. He was well potty trained and would run the screen door to the kitchen and hang on the door and pee out. He loved watermellon and dad's legs were trees for him to climb up.

GOD bless you for helping this baby.

Val said...

Bless you girl!! We found one about the same age when I was a kid. Mom used an eye dropper to feed him...he climbed the curtains and was such a character, his name was ROcky!!
Again, Bless you.
p.s. going to try your yogart snacks for the girlz. :)

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my gosh that is about the cutest - sweetest thing I have even seen - I am so glad that you were able to rescue and save him! sandie

Unknown said...

You're such a good mama!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Bless you for rescuing him and getting him help. I sure hope he survives and thrives! Keep us posted. Take care, Marie, and have a nice week! said...

Oh, you are a true rescue in the movies. Proud of you to know what to do. So cute to share his little tiny pictured face.

Lynn Proctor said...

awww very sweet--my grand-daddy raised two squirrels--i remember pictures of them, crawling all over him!

momto8 said...

oh my gosh! that is the first time I have ever seen a baby squirrel...thank you for your example of kindness to animals!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so precious, i love the shots of him in your hand, so fragile and tiny and makes me smile and cry at the same time.

Ann said...

oh how sweet the poor little guy. I can't believe Rocket didn't even touch him. Duke found a baby rabbit out in the back yard and had that little guy in his mouth in no time. It was a good thing I saw him do it and was able to get him to drop it.

SImple and Serene Living said...

Oh my goodness, how lucky that you found him and had somewhere to take him. :)

Serena Bakes Simply From Scratch said...

Oh poor fella! So very sweet! Hopefully he thrives well! I will be adding him to my prayers! Have a fabulous week my friend!

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh Marie, he is adorable. I am so glad you were there to hear his cries. That is one very lucky little fellow.

In your first photo he looks a little like the 3 day old kitten that was at the shelter last week. It wouldn't nurse from it's mama and they brought it to the shelter for attention. After a tiny taste of Karo syrup it went right after it's milk. It is being fostered by a volunteer now and doing fine.

Marianne (Mare) Baker Ball said...

Oh my gosh, how precious! So great that you found him. I hope he can find a good home and the right people to care for him. such a tiny life, it's amazing how sweet new life is! You did a great job taking pics w/ one hand...I'm never good at that.

Nancy said...

Bless your heart, Marie. My heart just melts at these little ones.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Oh my gosh- how tiny! I hope that rehab can save the poor guy!

Kellie @ Delightfully Ludicrous said...

He's so teeny! It's great you were able to save him.