Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Mama Did It Again

Most of you that visit my blog have caught on to my love for animals. :)  I've posted a few pics of a squirrel that we call Mama.  She always has a nest in our large Oak tree that's located in our backyard and she answers to her name...really!  
We knew she had babies in our tree, but until just a couple of days ago we could only hear them.  I caught Mama and one of her babies out and about together yesterday.  They're really entertaining and just so cute!
That's the baby on bottom...I just love moments like this.

Am I cute or what??? :)


Val said...

That last shot screams "I'm Super Squirrel" to me!! Cute photos :)

Kerrie said...

Dear Sweet Marie, Splendid photos! Oh, how I would love to see a squirrel in real life. Happy Wednesday to you. Blessings, Kerrie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

cutest scamper rats ever, i love the first shot, so sweet

TexWisGirl said...

sweetness!!! :)

Beth said...

They are so cute. You really got some great shots.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh how cute they are!

Deborah said...

OH YEAH!!! Really cute!
Great pictures!

Serena Bakes Simply From Scratch said...

They are just so cute! Wonderful picture's! Have a great week my friend!

Kellie @ Delightfully Ludicrous said...

Aww, adorable!

Ann said...

how cute. That last one is adorable

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

These are some cute furry ones!! You can keep them though, they play havoc here in my neck of the wood. But they still are cute.

Catherine said...

Oh gosh - how entertaining - and it doesn't cost a penny! Extra fun!
xo Catherine

Nancy said...

How sweet is this? It's always so satisfying to me (as a mom) to see Nature Mamas and their babies. :)

Unknown said...

That's a pretty big baby...
but then I know next-to-nothing about squirrel life.
I just see them scamper around and hear their chatter in the trees.
Thanks; I love your animal updates.

Mary said...

Very the two together nose to nose. ahahaha.

momto8 said... are very very cute!!!

SImple and Serene Living said...

Mama is teaching baby tree climbing :)

Chatty Crone said...

That last photo - shows how proud and stoic he is.

SquirrelQueen said...

The photos of Mama with her little one are just adorable. I have seen baby ones but never with their mama. The last photo, it looks like he's thinking "I'm a big boy now".

Marie, I'm not ignoring you. I checked your blog on my dashboard last night and no new posts showed up. They are there tonight. Good old blogger likes to keep us all confused.