Saturday, September 8, 2012

We Have Lift Off

There are a lot of Peafowl in the neighborhood that my parents live in.  One day as we were leaving I saw this crew walking down the sidewalk, so I did what any good blogger would do...tell hubby to stop the car!  I had my handy dandy camera in hand.  I know these birds can fly, but it still cracks me up to see them sitting high in the Oak trees.  I had never caught one on camera lifting off before now.  Not the greatest photo, but well worth the time. :) 
                     Happy & safe weekend to all!
This just makes me laugh!


TexWisGirl said...

it is funny and gawky looking! :) i bet they create quite the racket!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

he looks like he is jumping for joy over you taking his photo. these are wonderful. i would be so excited i could not snap

Raindrops and Daisies said...

Hi Marie

Hope you are keeping well and your handsome son too and that the new kitty is settling in ....

I love the photos they are great -
are peafowl the same as pheasants?
I haven't heard the word peafowl before but they do look similar.

Have lovely weekend.

x Fiona

Unknown said...

I have some friends with peacocks and peahens.
Their cries can be startling.
I've never seen one fly either.

Val said...

I can just hear you saying.."STOP the CAR!!!"
We have a peacock that hangs with a group of turkeys just down the that a funny group to see!
Great pictures. have a nice weekend.

Kellie @ Delightfully Ludicrous said...

Such gorgeous birds! Much prettier than the brush turkeys we get around here!

Chatty Crone said...

You did get one looking like he was trying to take off! I just can't believe you were in a neighborhood and there they were.

Anonymous said...

These photos are great Marie.
I didn't know they could fly! That first photo is just awesome.

Unknown said...

They are gorgeous birds aren't they?! With their lovely feathers. Great photos. Enjoy your Sunday!
Hugs x

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Ha! I love that first pic!

Lynn Proctor said...

haha really cool shots!!

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

This is too cool, to have these roaming the streets. I love the sound they make.

SImple and Serene Living said...

My daughter used to have some in the neighborhood she lived in. They looked so funny perched on the roof tops.

SquirrelQueen said...

I love your mid-air shot, for such beautiful birds they are not all that graceful. The peacock looks like he's trying to play it cool while the hens have a little fun.
There are none in our neighborhood but I love to watch them at the aviary.

Texan said...

Thats amazing they just roam around in a neighborhood! LOL