Saturday, April 27, 2013

Tomatoes Anyone?

I've never been fond of tomatoes.  Hubby and I found this cherry tomato plant at Lowes on clearance for only $3!  Hubby takes good care of it, just as he does me. :)  And now, he has me eating tomatoes!  He diced them up and put them in my favorite cucumber, bacon and ranch salad and I loved them!  I'm feeling healthier already. :) LOL
How about you, do you like tomatoes??


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love tomatoes and always have, daddy grew tomatoes and mother canned what we could not eat. many days we had lettuce and tomato sandwiches, or just mayo and mater sandwiches. i ate them like apples, warm in the sun. they taste much better hot from the fields. and i love these little ones like grapes.

Anne said...

I love them too...I might try grow some for healthy salads this summer:) Have a great weekend!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Marie, I'm not a tomato lover --but my hubby eats those little cherry tomatoes like they are candy!!!!

I do love the big, homegrown tomatoes in summer --and will eat a trillion of them in season. But--that's about it for me.


TexWisGirl said...

i will sometimes eat them on a fast food burger or chicken sandwich. but that's the only way i eat them raw. i want them cooked in sauces, usually. :)

Ms. A said...

Those are some good looking maters! I like them on a sandwich, or salad, but I won't just pick one up and eat it, like my mom and dad would. They'd eat the big ones like an apple.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your shots here would make anyone like them! I only like tomatoes cooked. And now I am not allowed to eat tomato seeds, so that is so hard, it lets out pizza and so many pasta dishes.

Beth said...

I LOVE!! tomatoes. Nothing better than a BLT!

Tina@WhatWeKeep said...

I LOVE homegrown tomatoes...growing up we'd take a salt shaker out to the garden and eat warm tomatoes off the vine. Your salad sounds delicious.

Chatty Crone said...

I love tomatoes anyway I can get them. Try them on a sandwich with a little mayo! Yum. sandie

SquirrelQueen said...

Those are so beautiful and I'll bet they are delicious. I love tomatoes. I like them in salads, BLT's, or just sliced as a side dish. I can't wait until I can get fresh ones here.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Jealous that you got tomatoes already. We even started planting. Enjoy your mini tomatoes. Happy Sunday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Catherine said...

I love cherry tomatoes right off the vine. They are summer's candy I think! Glad hubby takes care of both of you so well. :)
xo Catherine

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I love tomatoes! Especially right off the vine. Sometimes the grocery store ones are kind of bitter tasting. A slice of tomato makes any sandwich taste good, imo. And BLT's are so yummy! The little cherry tomatoes are good in salads.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Yup, I love tomatoes. Especially garden ripe, sliced on a grilled cheese with mayo!

Anonymous said...

I have never been very fond of tomatoes but I do love a few cherry tomatoes in my salads. I have a friend who takes a zip lock bag full of them for lunch and eats them like chips with her sandwich!

Betty Manousos said...

love tomatoes! especially in my salads or on a cheese sandwich.

wish you a great remainder of your weekend~

big hugs~

momto8 said...

I LOVE TOMATOES!!!! but only from the vine...the ones at the store are almost fake! enjoy!!