Monday, April 22, 2013

Lake Memories

This is one of the lakes in our neighborhood.  No motor boats are allowed on it, so it's always very peaceful.  There are three homes and one street between us and the lake.  Whether we're coming or going there's the pretty lake.  My son learned to fish here, fed many ducks and birds, released baby turtles and eventually helped Mama Ducks with their babies get here safely.  We have walked our pups by this lake hundreds of times.  My all time favorite memories of this lake are definitely my son and I sitting together on one of the benches and talking about life.  

Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!  Happy & safe Monday to you all!  

Morning of Mama Mallard and her babies walking to the lake.

Our favorite bench was closer to the lake, but they moved it a few years ago.


Ms. A said...

I could use a nice, peaceful lake and this one looks beautiful.

Betty Manousos said...

hi sweetmarie, what a beautiful lake!
makes me want to go there.

such wonderful, peaceful photos, too. loved your post.

have a great day and thanks so much for the follow.
following you right back! :)

Ann said...

It's beautiful. How wonderful to have such a peaceful spot so close to home.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

These are beautiful pictures! I love lakes.

Catherine said...

Those are very peaceful indeed! What a wonderful place to sit and relax.
xo Catherine

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you are blessed to live so close to all this beauty. i love that second photo, with the tree in the corner. so beautiful..would love to sit on that bench

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! It's BEAUTIFUL and Golden Thanks for sharing. Happy Monday! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

TexWisGirl said...

it is beautiful! peaceful and still. that morning shot just oozes wonder and gratitude.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Marie, Gorgeous photos --and what a beautiful lake... You have so many wonderful memories of the lake/area... Thanks for sharing.

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a beautiful lake and surrounding grounds! I think I would be there all the time! Are there lots of fish, was it hard for him to catch anything?

Cheryl @ TFD said...

It's a beautiful lake, Marie. We are blessed to have a few nice lakes in our area. They don't allow motor boats, either, and I'm glad. It's such a nice place to sit and watch the sunset and just relax where it's quiet. Quiet, that is, unless someone is having a big to-do at one of the shelter houses! :)
Enjoy your week!

SquirrelQueen said...

It looks so calm and peaceful. I can see why you have fond memories of this place. These are all great shots, I love the sunrise.

Chatty Crone said...

Marie I am glad you have taken the photos - they are the ones you'll want to remember - also try and see if you can picture them in your mind. They were very pretty. sandie

Lynn Proctor said...

reminds me of a lovely lake in our town--just beautiful :)

Tina@WhatWeKeep said...

Just beautiful, Marie.
I'd sit there all day.

momto8 said...

what a beautiful place for beautiful memories!!

Annie Jeffries said...

Your own private paradise and a vessel for carrying memories. Beautiful.

Betty Manousos said...

just stopping by to say hi and wish you a happy weekend!:))

also, thank you so much for the lovely comment!

SImple and Serene Living said...

What a pretty lake. My house backed up to a lake when I was growing up. I miss that.