Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Deadliest Catch

My son and his friends went fishing one night and caught this baby alligator.  When he told me about it I thought he was kidding and then he showed me this photo....yikes!
They took pics and released the little monster cutie.:)
My son is holding the gator


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh My Goodness... What did they do with it???? Did they get a cage and keep it as a pet????? Did they name him????? I'm sure they were proud to catch him. Bet his Mama wasn't too happy though... The Mama Alligator that is!!!!! ha ha


Ginny Hartzler said...

Holy cow! Or should I say Holy gator? I never heard pf anyone catching one of these! A picture to remember.

Ms. A said...

Aren't you glad he didn't come dragging it home and say, Mom, can I keep it?

Unknown said...

Yikes...glad to hear he released it and didn't bring it picture!

Kellie @ Delightfully Ludicrous said...

Jeez, if I saw one of those I don't think I'd be picking it up for a photo op!

SquirrelQueen said...

Were they keeping an eye out behind themselves to make sure Mama wasn't around?

I think it's cute. But then I remember the show I was watching the other night on Animal Planet and yikes ..... that little guy could get really big.

The Cranky said...

Oi, first thing I thought of when I saw the photo was the urban legends of alligators in the sewers...

Anonymous said...

Yikes! Great photo for the memory book.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

is he nuts? oh my... that said, he and the gator are cute.

Chatty Crone said...

A bit of an oxymoron - exciting to catch and see a baby alligator, but scary at the same time! sandie

Tina@WhatWeKeep said...

This gave me the shivers!

TexWisGirl said...

oh, lordy! but he's cute!

Haddock said...

Good to know that they released it.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Aren't you glad he didn't want to keep it? Yikes! Cute photo!

Val said...

eek...must be gator week in Blogville!! :)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

LOL, now there's some bragging rights!

Ann said...

Good thing they released it and didn't try and bring it home. Aren't they dangerous even that small?

Betty Manousos said...

oh my gosh! yikes!

love the photo.

happy weekend~

p.s i linked to you today!

Anonymous said...

I come from the blog of Betty Manousos, Cut and Dry, and I love your corner, so if you do not mind, I become a follower of your magical space.
Hugs and kisses.

Catherine said...

Eeeeek! LOL! I am sure alligators are much cuter when they are little. :)
xo Catherine

Nancy said...

I'm glad (and I'm sure you are too) that it was released. :)

SImple and Serene Living said...

Your son is so adorable. The gator not so much. I can't believe they picked it up, but then boys will be boys. :)

Lynn Proctor said...

omgosh---that is amazing!!!

Annie Jeffries said...


Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Ouch, My eyes would have fallen out of their sockets, my heart would have done a dance in my chest and not to memtion what I would have done in my pants to see this in person and to know one of my kids caught it. He is brave!

Unknown said...

Ahhh, sons :)