Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Summer Break Over

Summer break is over.  Kyle has started back to school this week and that means no more 40 hours of working at Wet 'n Wild.  He will continue to work, but only two days a week, school comes first. :)  I think he's okay with a break from work, except he will miss those paychecks. :)

My tired baby boy after a 12 hour day!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

ha ha, nothing is safe from our cameras... to cute and he does look worn out

TexWisGirl said...

:) hard work = hard sleep. :)

Lynn Proctor said...

this is very cute---hope he has a great school year!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Glad he is willing to work. So many young people these days just expect everything to be handed to them--without them putting forth any effort... Bless your sweet son.

Anonymous said...

I remember those days of being so tired. I know you are proud of his work ethics. Wishing him a great school year.

Beth said...

I hope this year is a wonderful one for Kyle.

renae said...

Oh Marie your son is handsome. Great he gets a break now and gets back to the work at school, huh?

Thank you for your sweet words. You have named your blog appropriately!

I'm back and more thrift outfits coming later in the week. Yay!

Ginny Hartzler said...

He looks exhausted! But I say make the most of it while yo are young, we can't do these kind of things as we get older.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

School sure starts back early for kids these days, we did not start back till after Labor Day. They say it because our schools at that time did not have AC so they waited till September when it would be cooler.

Your guy sure looks plum-tuckered out.

Tina@WhatWeKeep said...

Poor guy! Back to the grind at school, although I bet he'll miss all the bikinis! ;)

Ms. A said...

Poor thing, he looks exhausted. Just being out in the heat takes it out of you and working in it is even harder and then add bikinis everywhere... okay, I won't even go there! LOL!

Jacked Up Glock Mom said...

Wakey Wakey! So how many girls tried to give him their phone number this summer?

Ann said...

He does look tired. I'm surprised they have him working that many hours in one day. Going back to school will be like a break for him....lol

Chatty Crone said...

Does it stay open all year round? He does look tired!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

How has he liked working there?

Anonymous said...

Oh ya.....paychecks are nice. Hope he has a great school year!

SImple and Serene Living said...

Such a cutie. Hope he has a great school year. xo Laura

Unknown said...

Hehe that's a nice sneak pic of your son :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Seriously about your grandfather? We live 25 minutes from Charlottesville and are always there. We shop there and most of our doctors are there. It has been rated as one of the best cities to live. Many of my posts are from there.

Marianne (Mare) Baker Ball said...

Your son looks like he's spent the summer working hard! Hope his school year is easier. :-)