Thursday, August 22, 2013

Show Off

I love my squirrels!  They're some of the best entertainment around.  This little guy was a lot of fun to watch. :)


Ms. A said...

How cute! I'm sure they are good at increasing your birdseed bill, they are always hungry little rascals.

Nancy said...

What an acrobat!

Anne said...

He looks so cute! Great photos:)

TexWisGirl said...

he's so little! so cute! just a big grin on my face, here... :D

Chatty Crone said...

Awe that is so sweet. Sandie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

cutest acrobat ever.. they are so funny to watch and so limber and they don't fall much, but if they do they catch themselves. to cute

Ginny Hartzler said...

They ARE funny! And there is not much that they cannot find a way to get to!!! When it comes to food, they are like e rodent GPS. So HOW often do you fill that feeder?

renae said...

But is that guy stealing food for the birds? Dang squirrels need to not hog the bird feeders....! Thanks for noticing my hair. You could go short, just get lots of layers done by a good professional, not Super Cuts or Fantastic Sams, but a nice reputable salon. I have had my hair long for 4 summers now and I couldn't take it this summer! Off it got. Now my past posts with my hair long are a bit odd looking to me. hahahahaha.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I hate to admit this but I despise squirrels. I don't buy birdfood for THEM.... We work hard at scaring them off when they come around. BUT--they are persistent.


Julie Hargreaves said...

Just love squirrels

Ann said...

He's a real entertainer isn't he?. Love that last shot of him hanging upside down

Catherine said...

Nature - pure enjoyment isn't it? Love your little squirrel!
xo Catherine

Haddock said...

They are real acrobats.
Lovely capture.

renae said...

oh you are so nice, Thank you, Sweet Marie. Your blog name and you are "one".

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Cute squirrel!

SquirrelQueen said...

What an adorable acrobat! He was really putting on a show. I especially like the last one with him upside down and enjoying his food.