Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Now There's Three

I shared photos of two beautiful horses and now I have a third beauty for you.  I took these from our vehicle.  I didn't walk over to the fence because I didn't want to interrupt or be disrespectful of the horses/people's home.  The road you see there is the owners driveway.
I will have more later this week! :)

Two beauties I shared before

I spotted this pretty horse that just kept swaying
and taking one step.

He/she heard me talking.  lol

Watch the tail!

the tail was putting on a show!
what is that tail saying?!

They must have some good ears
because as you can see I was quite far away.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

number 3 is beautiful, either he needs a good brushing or he was rolling around brushing himself and got all messed up. beatuiful spot to get to drive by every day

Brandi said...

How wonderful that you can see such beauty from the road. Thank you for sharing the graceful horses.

DeniseinVA said...

Very pretty photos of the horses. Love all that lush, green scenery.

The Cranky said...

His tail is saying: "I'm FAB darling, and you love me. Of course you love me."

TexWisGirl said...

shedding, shedding, shedding like crazy!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I think she is ready for the curry comb. She must be older. Usually older horses she'd a little later.

Ginny Hartzler said...

He looks like a very old horse, and maybe not in the best of health?

betty said...

It so green there!! Maybe they were just glad to have someone acknowledge them :)


Ann Thompson said...

The tail is saying "I'm swingin in to spring and lovin every second of it"

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos! I don't know much about horses, but I have a cat whose tail is always swishing!

Taking a little time away while I go to a specialist about my foot. The MRI shows significant damage to my foot. Hope to be back soon. God bless your Mother's Day.

JoJo said...

That last one is a big horse! Loved the tail too, nice capture.

Ms. A said...

Talk to the tail! Great shots for so far away!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

All pretty and gorgeous countryside!

Not too far from here is a farm...a house on top of a hill and lots of land. It's actually on one side of the main drag of a little borough. Well anyway they have beautiful horses but all along the side are signs not to park there so I never do. I really should sneak one day : )

My Mind's Eye said...

Horses are so majestic!!
Great shots!!
Hugs madi and mom

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

All three are beauts! I'd have to get the brush after the shy one- she is shedding. They do have exceptional hearing. Happy Mother's Day!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi there, Just stopping by to say “Happy Mother’s Day” to you. I’m sure you are having a fabulous day. I celebrated yesterday when one of my sons and his beautiful wife came to see us….

As you probably know, we’ve been out-of-town this past week and I haven’t done any blogging much at all. I hope you enjoyed my two Tulip blog posts while we were gone——and be sure and tune in tomorrow morning to find out what we’ve been doing this past week….

Enjoyed your post today! Horses (and that gorgeous area) are so neat to photograph..... Love the pictures.
