Sunday, November 6, 2011

Colorful Finds At The Gas Station

Saturday afternoon my son wanted to go vacuum out the car.  While he was hard at work I walked around the gas station to see if I could find anything of interest.  What I found was a lot of overgrown landscaping, but kind of pretty.  Happy Sunday to all!

My baby boy

This is behind the gas station.  I don't know what that big flower in the middle is, do you?

This is taking over the sidewalk...pretty colors.

I like this and I have no idea what it is.

Overgrown, but pretty.


Janie said...

It is nice to know you enjoy the small things that people pass by. Never thought of walking around at a car wash. Good for you. Have a wonderful weekend.

Ginny Hartzler said...

All this just from a stop at a gas station!!! You make the ordinary beautiful!!!

SquirrelQueen said...

That overgrown lot certainly has some beautiful flowers. It just goes to show that if we look hard enough we can find beauty every where. I have no idea on the flower but maybe someone else can name it.

Ann said...

You found some pretty sights. This reminded me of when my son was learning to drive. It was amazing how much he wanted to hang out with me and go places just so he could get the chance to

MadSnapper n Beau said...

there is always always something to photograph no matter where. it is odd though to find all this at a gas station. ours are all concrete. i like that grass in the next to last photo and my yard is full of the purple stuff but don't know what it is. the first shot i think is a tiger lily. so good things come from a son that drives, he does the work mama does the photos.

TexWisGirl said...

all of it looks so lush. :)

Chatty Crone said...

I am more convinced then ever that there is beauty everywhere if you just look. What a handsome and helpful son you have.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I agree with Sandie, there is beauty to be found almost everywhere. And we bloggers always have a camera handy to take the photo! LOL! Have a great day!

Catherine said...

You have lots of pretty color! It beats my white hands down!!! ;)

xo Catherine