Monday, November 14, 2011

Proud Mama Squirrel

We have a female squirrel that lives in the "V" of our Oak tree in the backyard.  We call her Mama Squirrel.  We knew she had babies because we would hear them cry for her and you could see that she had been nursing.   We finally saw one of the babies venture out of the nest with proud Mama Squirrel.  So sweet...

You can see that Mama is checking for trouble.  I can actually relate to Mama Squirrel because I've always done my best to keep my baby safe also.

I'm a big boy now :)


SquirrelQueen said...

Oh how cute! He is a sweet little fellow. I'm glad mama is keeping a close eye on him as he grows. You are so lucky to be able to watch this little family. I rarely see babies, usually they are almost as big as their parents before I see them.

Catherine said...

You are going to have so much fun watching this wee little squirrel grow up! I look forward to many more fun photos!
xo Catherine

TexWisGirl said...

oh my goodness, this is precious!!! that little one is too cute!!! thanks for sharing this moment!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

big boy is adorable! so sweet and so is his mama. during the summer we enjoyed each morning watching 4 babies follow their mama from limb to limb. the babies are so cute and they chased each other like kids do, running in circles with each other like ring around the rosy.

Val said...

Cuteness overload....great shots!! can you believe we live on 80 acres and NOT one squirrel!!
I look forward to watching Big Boy grow.

betty said...

That is the cutest thing! What a neat thing you got to see and get a picture of!


Deb said...

awww what a little sweetie...nice photos..

Ann said...

aw, how cute they are. So much fun to watch too. Last year the squirrels that visited the tree in my front yard kept me very entertained.

Chatty Crone said...

I know you watch your sweet son so well - and so does this mama squirrel. sandie

Amanda said...

That little guy is TOO cute!!