Monday, November 28, 2011

We're Running A Little Behind

My hubby and son did get the Christmas decorations out of the attic.  The tree is up, but has no decorations because they're still in storage bins sitting in our family room.  At least our tree is pre-lit so it seems as though we've done more than we actually have. lol  We normally have this finished within two days after Thanksgiving.  Are we alone in this situation or is anyone else running behind?

To get this fun job done...
I'll need a fire in the fireplace, three hot cocoas, three bones, beautiful Christmas music,

and most importantly...hubby, son, Roxy, Rambo and Rocket!


Ginny Hartzler said...

It gets harder every year to keep up with the cards and decorations! But pre-lit, you're already halfway there!

SquirrelQueen said...

You are way ahead of us. Everything is still in the guest room closet and I don't have the space cleared for the tree. I did notice that one of our neighbors turned on their outside lights tonight. Looks like everyone else on this street is as behind as we are.

TexWisGirl said...

i don't decorate, so you're ahead of me! :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

lots of work ahead of you but it will be worth it when it is done. i have my 2 little 2 foot trees up, they are prelit, sit in the closet and come out of a bag and sit and plug in, then add ornaments. did that on TG day. a post coming up on the new ornaments. no one be us and the dogs so we go with super simple

Catherine said...

I always tell myself I am going to put away my Christmas decorations away in a more orderly fashion to make it easier when I decorate the next year. But I don't. Oh well...that just means I have to drink more hot chocolate to decorate. Ha!

Have fun!
xo Catherine

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness - we don't have the first thing set up. Yours will be gorgeous when finished. sandie

Ann said...

Your much further ahead than I am. The closest I've gotten to getting anything out is just to think about it. It seems like I put out less and less every year too.

Deb said...

still recovering from Thanksgiving...I did get 40 Christmas cards signed and addressed yesterday...does that count?

Simple Home said...

I think you're doing well! I did put up a few decorations yesterday, but we don't put up our tree until closer to Christmas. Part of it is a space issue, and this year we have 2 indoor cats that have me a little worried :)

betty said...

I bet the tree will look great when it is all decorated! I wouldn't worry if you are behind from previous years. Just enjoy getting it together this year when you get to it and just keep moving forward with the preparations as you can. Some years are better than others as far as staying on target, timing, etc. Definitely not behind here. For a series of reasons too numerous to list, I'm not putting up a tree this year so we're already ahead of the game :)

just try not to stress and relax and enjoy the season!


Michelle My Bell said...

My family usually spends ALL DAY after Thanksgiving to decorate the house, yard, EVERYTHING, all 17 trees, and don't stop until the empty bins are put away- I'm OCD like that! lol But this year, I had to get it ALL out and displayed and decorated a week BEFORE Thanksgiving. My step-daughter came home for Thanksgiving (she's in the Air Force) and will not be able to come home again during Christmas. So yes, SHE got her Christmas early :)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

What is considered running behind? LOL! If I have my tree up by the week before Christmas this year, I'll consider myself lucky! We're getting ready for a bathroom remodel so I think Christmas will be a bit different this year! Oh well, we'll survive. When you get...ahem...older you don't worry so much about whether everything is done by a certain time. It's such a relief!
Enjoy your decorating!