Thursday, December 15, 2011

Behind This Door Is A Boy, A Box And Three Dogs.

Behind this door is a boy that loves to play with his doggies.  And loves to start trouble. LOL  This was part of the fun while decorating.

This is our front door.  My Great-Aunt Sally made this wreath for me, it's my favorite!

Looks so innocent...

Not so much...

Kyle loves to play with his doggies and get them excited and that usually means starting trouble. LOL!

Rambo is a little jealous!

Roxanne is a little jealous!

Rocket is a "Happy Camper"and doesn't understand what all the fuss is over. LOL

In the end everything worked out beautifully.  Happy Holidays!


TexWisGirl said...

oh, this made me giggle and snicker! :) i can only imagine all the ruckous!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your tree is gorgeous!! And I love the wreath, she chose very fancy and beautiful ribbon for it! A box has a million possibilities!

SquirrelQueen said...

Ha! Too funny. It must have made the decorating very exciting.

Both the wreath and your tree are beautiful. From the looks of the tree, fireplace and surrounding area it looks like you've been working hard on those decorations.

Boxes are great. If that one were here it would have at least five, maybe six, cats inside.

Christine said...

Oh, I love this! Boxes can be so much fun for boys and dogs!

Chatty Crone said...

Your tree is just gorgeous! I love the red ribbons. And your dog - the one with the red hair looks a lot like mine! sandie

betty said...

LOL; I love your boy's sense of humor! Loved him hiding in the box! Very nice wreath your great-aunt made! I am sure you treasure that from year to year!

Tree looks so very festive!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

your post wins the award for my first LOL of the day, kid you not the photos of Rocket in the box just made me howl with laughter and i can see there was much howling going on, i can actually hear the whole thing in my head. you should see the barking going on when i try to do therapy bends on Jakes knee, baby gets jealous and barks her head off. love your tree, your boy and your pups.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

and the wreathe too.

Catherine said...

Haha - it looks like everyone is having fun! I guess all they need is a nice big box for Christmas! :)

Your tree looks so pretty! Hopefully your son and the pups don't get too close when they are playing! LOL!

Have a happy weekend!
xo Catherine

Ann said...

holiday fun time huh?
Love your wreath, it's very pretty and your tree looks great