Sunday, December 18, 2011

A Few Christmas Favorites of Mine.

I have a few favorites that make me say "awww" every Christmas.  I'm sure none of you will be surprised that most of these items relate to my son. :)
Kyle made this for me when he was four years old.

Kyle made this for me when he was five.

One of many favorite pics.


I've always liked my reindeer card holder, but this year I love it!
If you look to the top you'll see MadSnapper's puppy dogs, Jake and Baby.
I get to see their cute faces everyday and I love it! 


Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the handprint wreath and tree, and this cool ornament made from jigsaw puzzle pieces, you have such sweet memories with all of them!

TexWisGirl said...

LOVE the hands ones!!! adorable and completely priceless!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the wreathe of hands is really cool. I am sitting here crying because one of the bloggers house burned yesterday and 5 of their 7 pets died. I found it on I love my amazing pets.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Hi Marie, thanks for stopping by our blog. We have three human brothers and sisters, all adults now, and between them they have six little ones. Mom says she has many similar mementos of her children's Christmases when they were young. Love those handprints.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

SquirrelQueen said...

You have some great Christmas favorites Marie. Things like these are far better than anything we could buy. I love the palm print Christmas tree, I would be tempted to leave that up year round.

The reindeer card holder is so cool. Seeing Sandra's babies on there makes me wish I had found the time to do some cards. Next year for sure...maybe...I hope!

Deborah said...

I love all your pictures. Your son is little cutie!
MadSnappers dogs are sooo cute!
Have a great day!

Ricardo Miñana said...

Christmas is endearing,
Very beautiful pictures,
I wish peace and happiness these days,
Happy Holidays!.
a hug.

Ann said...

You have some wonderful treasures there. I handed my son a bell he made way back when and told him he could have it for his house. He handed it back and said no I gave that to you. It was that We had a good laugh over it

Chatty Crone said...

What wonderful memories you have.
love the hand print wreath and tree. I am going to send this to Kelly to look.

Love, sandie

Cheryl @ TFD said...

What wonderful treasures to awww over each Christmas! I love the palm print tree. Sweet!
Merry Christmas!

Janie said...

Did Sandra make you a special card? Or do you know her personally? Nice, she is very generous.

I see your grown son's past Christmas decorations in your tree, and in your heart. What a true mom to hold on to all of those things. I have several too of my grown out of the house kids. But slowly they have dwendled down to just a few. Sometimes you just have to let it go. I treasure a rock our daughter painted, and a ornament our son made. But now they have their own kids. So live goes on, it changes, and I am at peace with that.

Catherine said...

I have a little Christmas mouse my son made when he was little. I can't part with it! Looks like you have some special memories here too!
xo Catherine