Thursday, July 12, 2012

Kitten In The House

It wasn't but a couple of weeks ago my son asked if we could get a kitten.  We told him maybe after we move to NC which would be sometime next year maybe.  Tonight my son calls us and informs us that he's on his way home from having dinner with a friend and he's bringing home a surprise.  I was hoping for chocolate!  I did joke with hubby and tell him I thought the surprise could be a kitten.  We are always helping animals and we see a lot of stray kittens around the city and since Kyle had mentioned a kitten not so long ago I had a hunch. LOL
Squirrel Queen I know you'll love this little girl!

How do I say no to these faces???

Is this sweet or what!??  Their eyes are a crystal blue...really pretty.
Someone needs to figure out this camera...LOL

The kitten to the left is the runt of the litter.

Kyle says he bonded with this little girl and we have to keep her. :)

Taking a little "cat nap". LOL
I guess we'll be thinking of a name. :)


Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Bless its heart, its has a new loving home. Did you get the two or just one? Now you know that baby has to have a playmate. I can tell that sweet baby will have loads of happy years.

It was the same with us, we went to get one kitten from a litter of Burmise and brought it home then made up an excuse to go get another of the litter and wound up with all three girls. We already had a Tonkinese at home so we ended up being a 4 cat family when all we wanted was one playmate for the Tonk. A wonderful 18 years we had with all of them.

So go make room for its sibling, you will never regret it.

betty said...

so cute!! so precious!! How can you say no? good luck coming up with a name!


SquirrelQueen said...

Awwwwwwww! They are so cute!
There are very few things more adorable than kittens. That little girl definitely wants to stay, she knows she has found a good home.

Better start working on a name and do a little shopping for a litter box and toys.

We will be expecting updates on this baby.

Raindrops and Daisies said...

Hi Marie,

What a gorgeous little kitten
such a cute face
of course Kyle couldn't say no to her, she would melt anyone's heart!

Looking forward to hearing what you call her!

Is that your daughter in the photo with Kyle?
Two very good looking kids.

Enjoy the new addition to your home!

Happy weekend

Fiona x

Ann said...

Oh, so sweet. I've been wanting to get a kitten but my husband says no.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

So sweet. Gotta love having a kitten around.

Beth said...

Adorable. I love the looks on the kids faces. Precious memories.

Christine said...

What a beautiful little girl she is! You definitely couldn't say no to either of those sweet faces!

Catherine said...

Skweeeee! Adorable! Nope... can't turn that little cutie away. Heart melting....
xo Catherine

TexWisGirl said...

oh my goodness! kittens are SO much fun! i hope your pups can adjust to the new fluff!

Unknown said...

My sweet ^_^ They're adorable.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

How adorable! I can see why your son couldn't resist bringing this one home!

Chatty Crone said...

I guess you will keep her - but I see one handsome boy, a very cute girl, and two sweet cats! ?????????

Love, sandie

momto8 said...

yea for you!! How could you resist any of those eyes?! good luck!!

Anonymous said...

Oh how sweet they are!!!

Marianne (Mare) Baker Ball said...

Kittens and puppies are the way to anyone's heart. They are just the best. How about "Surprise" for a name? You son looks very happy!

Nancy said...

I would not be able to resist either. I can tell the kids love them!

Blondie said...

What a beautiful little girl!!!! Soooo sweet!!!!

Tina@WhatWeKeep said...

Ohhh, so sweet!
Congrats to Kyle for acing his test. :)

Dianne ... Walking In His Grace said...

Marie the kittens are adorable. Now I am wondering if you are picking one name, or two names.Can't wait to hear the rest of the story!
Congrats on your baby cats! :)
Love the photos of the kittens and your son.
Thanks for stopping by for a visit. Always nice to hear from you. Hey how are those ducks doing?
Have a great weekend.
Dianne :)

Unknown said...

Of course you keep!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so precious, she is a real doll, how about Tipper for a name, since she has tips of color on her ears. also your son is a handsome dude