Monday, September 12, 2011

Moon Shots

My son came in the house and told me it must be a full moon, so I grabbed my camera!



TexWisGirl said...

very nicely done!

SquirrelQueen said...

Great shots! I got tied up in a meeting until late then forgot all about it. At least I'm getting to see some photos.

When I saw you moon shots I got to wondering, have you met Remington, our leading full moon forecaster and all time favorite Newfie?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you got it and got it well. it is really big and beautiful right now, the harvest moon.

Catherine said...

Wow ~ terrific shots! The September moon seems extra bright doesn't it?

Have a happy week SweetMarie!
xo Catherine

Chatty Crone said...

May I say awesome camera and awesome photographer. sandie

Ann said...

Those came out really good. I went out last night and tried to get creative with my camera. Still haven't taken them off the memory card yet but I wasn't impressed with what I saw so I'm in no big

Together We Save said...

Great shots!!

Deb said...

awesome moon shots...I need to figure out how to change the settings on my camera to get moon shots....little britches has learned the word moon...he loves pointing them out every where...