Thursday, September 22, 2011

Backyard Rescue

I was in my kitchen and I
heard a baby squirrel squealing.
Out my kitchen window
I could see a baby squirrel trying to climb the Oak Tree
but, he kept falling. I ran outside and scooped him up
before something not so nice did. It rained the rest
of the afternoon so, in the morning I'll take him outside to see if mama is
looking for him. If she's not, I will take him to the
wildlife rescue center.



Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh, how cute, and you care for even the smallest and most overlooked of God's creatures. I see you even had a bottle!

Janie said...

What a bundle you have there! Sometimes when they fall out their mom's come get them. That has been my experience. Meanwhile it reminds me of the kittens we had in the past that were bottle fed. Guess you will be up at all hours with this one?

SquirrelQueen said...

What a cute little one, he looks happy enough to be out of the rain. I'm so glad you were there to rescue him before something bad happened.

That tail is beautiful. About six to eight weeks old?

Ann said...

aw isn't he cute. Looks like he need to grow in to that tail of his though :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so precious, sweet and adorable. he looks like he is about grown, with that big tail.

TexWisGirl said...

he's so beautiful! i hope he makes it! glad you were there to save him - and even turn him over to the shelter if need be!

Christine said...

Oh he's so sweet; glad you rescued him!

Chatty Crone said...

I see the bottle too - funny one has what they need at the time. I was amazed at how little he was and how long his tail was in comparison! You are sweet.


Chatty Crone said...

I can't find the link...

Marie said...

If you look right above my "About Me" and below "Sites that I'm followin" it reads "Back To Nature Wildlife". That's the link. :)

Catherine said...

How adorable! Look at those sweet little eyes. I hope mamma found him!
xo Catherine

Val said...

We rescued a squirrel when I was a kid,barely had any hair on him. raised him with a doll baby bottle and eyedropper. We named was "Rocky J" yeah, like Rocky and Bullwinkle!! Hate to tell ya how long ago that was....
thanks for sharing.