Saturday, September 17, 2011

Seeds From Mad Snapper Get Planted

Sandra AKA Mad Snapper was offering seeds for Dwarf Powder Puffs
and Dwarf Poincianas.  A few days later I get my seeds in the mail,
Thank You Sandra!

Hubby planting the Powder Puff seeds.

Hubby planting Poinciana seeds.

Finished product, now water and give TLC everyday.
I will be taking pics as my seeds start to sprout. :)


SquirrelQueen said...

How exciting that Sandra send you some seed for those gorgeous flowers. I'm looking forward to seeing them sprout. This is when I wished I lived in a milder climate. I don't think they would like our winters.

Ann said...

oh how fun. can't wait to see the little sprouts

TexWisGirl said...

love the blog sharing world!!! and love sandra too!

i have some cleome seeds to spread (once we have any indication that the drought might lift a bit!) from a very sweet blogger, miriam. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am sooo excited I am grinning. can't wait to see what they do. you did a good job of documenting the planting. i like the collage of seeds shot a lot. water every day, hubby says, keep moist and in the sun. good luck can't wait

Deb said...

I love Sandra...can't wait to see your plants grow...

Ginny Hartzler said...

I have always LOVED those plants of hers!! It will be fun to follow your progress with them!

Simple Home said...

I love the name of your blog. I look forward to following you :)

Catherine said...

How fun!

I hope they grow fast and bring you lots of happiness!

Happy week to you SweetMarie!
xo Catherine