Thursday, February 23, 2012

And The Runt Gets The Walnut

Hubby had the idea to put our last few mixed nuts in the backyard to see who would take on the challenge of getting them open.  It was suprising to us when we caught Mama Squirrel's runt, last baby still in the nest with Mama, sizing up the largest nut on the ottoman.  He wanted that walnut and there was no stopping him. THH!  Hope I didn't post too many pics, but we really wanted everyone to enjoy this cute show.  I just love animals!

He's being very careful...

He decided that the coast is clear...

And he grabs the largest nut...

What to do now???

I just know I have a winner...

Mama does this all the time...

I think I hear someone...

Uh oh...there she is...

Mama came and ran her little runt boy home!
It happened so fast, it was like a whirlwind!
He didn't drop the nut and it went into the nest with him. :)


SquirrelQueen said...

On my goodness, you can tell he is proud of the walnut. It's amazing that he didn't drop it when mama showed up. Maybe she will teach him how to open it up and get the goodies out.

I love your series of shots and commentary Marie, thanks for sharing.

Catherine said...

Cute cute cute!!! I wish I had a squirrel that lived at my house! Very fun!
xo Catherine

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my gosh he was soooooooooo cute - I like squirrels just not in the attic - ours has taken permanent residence there. HAHA.


momto8 said...

what entertainment!! fun...
humans could pick up some lessons on all kinds of things!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love all of them, too funny and not to many and the last one is just adorable.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

I bet that was dinner for the both of them. He was just helping her shop for food...

TexWisGirl said...

i saw the title of your post and couldn't wait to open it! i KNEW i'd love it! more! more! :)

TexWisGirl said...

and i couldn't even find him in the first photo - until i saw the second, then looked back. :)

Lady Jane said...

No not too many photos cause they are cute as can be. I am so glad she got to take the nut home to feast on. Hugs. LJ

Ann said...

Well he certainly looks healthy for being the runt. Obviously he has very high expectations too, taking the biggest nut he could find.
Your husband had a good idea, cute show

Ginny Hartzler said...

How cute!! Not too many pictures for me, I would have liked even more. I'm glad he got the nut, I guess mama will show him how to open it now.

Blondie said...

I love this soooooo cute!!!!!

Deborah said...

WOW, those are great pictures..How long did it the furry little creature to eat the nut and to grab the nut. Were you sitting at the windows for hours???? Great pictures!
Have a nice weekend. Ariel is pacing while I'm typing..I have to call the vet next week. I think she needs a sleeping pill!

Lisa said...

This little one is so so cute. Love the photos.
I too love animals more than I guess but do love both.
Thanks so much for stopping.
Please stop again.