Friday, February 10, 2012

Roxanne, Rambo & Rocket

My fur babies are always hearing me talk about fur babies from other blogs.  They made it loud and clear that they wanted to be in the spotlight too. :)  So here are my fur babies...ta daaaaaaa! 
Roxanne Love will be seven in March

Roxy came from a farm.  She had nine siblings!

Rambo will be four in May

He's a rescue doggy. :)

This is Rocket, don't let this face fool you...he DID do it!  Tee Hee!

I found Rocket at the animal shelter.  His days were up and had even
been extended.  I filled out the paperwork, paid a small fee
and picked him up a few days later. 

This is Rocket after a long, hard day of harassing and pestering
his two older siblings.  It's a tough job, but someones
got to do it.  :)


SquirrelQueen said...

Oh my gosh, I love that shot of Rocket peeking over the chair. He does look a little guilty doesn't he? All of your fur babies are so pretty.

To answer your question about the thing on the fence, it is just a dead vine. When they cut that field they cut off the part on the ground and that's what was left.

As for the other question, I want to redo my kitchen floors and get new counter tops and cabinets.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

You have a home filled with love I can see and your heart is huge too. What sweet faces to kiss!

Hootin Anni said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwww. Sweet. But I must say...I as the juror #12 state for a fact [tho I'm not the foreman] that Rocket is INNOCENT by plea of insanely loveable!!!!

The names, the fur babies...they're all super sweet.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

awwwwwwwww and awwwwwwwww again!!!! these are fantaboulous. they are all so sweet and Roxy looks a lot like our Baby Girl. Rocket is so adorable and he does look guilty, but then he is sleeping the sleep of an innocent pup. love dog pics and dog stories

TexWisGirl said...

God bless your babies (and they have - with a wonderful home full of love!)

Val said...

Love these....they all look very happy!!

Chatty Crone said...

All your fur babies are wonderful. I don't know who I like better - do you have a favorite? And they have each other to play with which is nice too. Love them all. sandie

Catherine said...

Such sweet pups! I am thinking your home is full of love with these wonderful fur babies running around!

Happy weekend!
xo Catherine

Ann said...

aww, love all your fur babies. I'm sorry but Rocket's face does fool me, I don't believe for a second that he did

Come At Me Bro said...

This is great!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

You sure have some sweet and cute furbabies!
Have a wonderful week!

Blondie said...

I just love ur babies and miss them soooo much!!! I need to bond with them again!!!!!