Monday, February 13, 2012

More Backyard Treasures

The beautiful cardinal is a vibrant red.  He’s known for the crest upon his head.
His heavy bill is surrounded by black.  Bugs, fruit, and seeds are a favorite snack.
A backyard favorite, high he rates.  He’s the state bird of seven states.

I really should clean my windows. :)

This is hanging directly in front of my garden window in my kitchen.
Her tail is almost touching the dirty window...THH!



Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Mkaes me missing the Tweets ... looking forward for Spring. Happy Monday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Catherine said...

Haha ~ this sweet bird distracts everyone from the odd spot or two on your window!

xo Catherine

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

OH my, he is like red velvet and the song they sing is lovely.

I too have a feeder hanging in front of the kitchen window over the sink, it has a frog and your a squirrel. I captured the other day a female Cardinal.

So thankful to the lord for giving us simple pleasures.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

he sure looks happy there with his little squirrel friend. i love the brilliant red of the cardinals. what a blessing to have this out your window. if you clean the glass it will just get dirty again. THH

TexWisGirl said...

i like your little squirrel feeder! :)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I love cardinals, they are one of my favorite birds. Their bright red is such a cheerful spot of color in the drabness of winter. I really like your bird feeder...neat!

Ann said...

I love your cardinal pictures. That's a good spot to hang the feeder so you have a good view of them. I need to do something like that.
You know if you clean those windows the birds won't be able to tell they are there and they might get hurt flying into them. That's why I keep mine

SquirrelQueen said...

Well first I have to tell you how much I like that little feeder Marie, that is super cute.

Cardinal are such pretty birds. The female may not be as bright as the male but she is still eye catching. Unfortunately I never seen Cardinals in our area, I do miss them.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Deborah said...

OMGoodness, beautiful pictures!
Happy Valentines Day!

Chatty Crone said...

He is red for Valentine's Day - love the picture. So why do males get to be the pretty colors?

Happy Valentine's Day.

momto8 said...

beautiful pictures!!