Friday August 26, 2011
An Award

Thanks a bunch to Sandie at Her blog will always put a smile on your face! Sandie knows I'm very new at blogging and it was so sweet of her to include me as one of the seven awardees.
Here are the rules of this award:
1) Thank and link to the person who nominated you.
2) Share 7 random facts about yourself.
3) Pass the award to 12 of your blogging buddies.
4) Notify the recipients
Now she passed this award on and you are supposed to write seven random things about yourself.
Here are seven random facts about myself:
1. I make up words to rhyme with other words, such as foodie woodie (when talking to my doggies),
honey woney (when talking to my husband), sleepy weepy (when talking to my son), yawny wawny to them all, lol.
2. Can't stand to see anyone litter!!!
3. Out of the blue I often grab my husband's hand and start dancing with him...he loves it!
4. I've never been able to pass up an animal in need. If I can't help then I call someone who can.
5. My son and I have always taken drives to get ice cream and to talk. We still do, but now he's driving me.
6. I get very sad to see any elderly person walking in the heat or rain and you know they're walking because they have to not because they want to.
7. Since I was a young girl I have always liked t-shirts that simply read LOVE on them. :)
I'm so new at blogging that I don't know seven bloggers yet. I have one terrific lady that has helped me almost from day one and I'm choosing her for the award, The second blogger doesn't participate in awards, but has been a lot of help and we chat about our babies(doggies). She's another great lady and so I just wanted to at least mention her, Sandra at
Have a great weekend! And thanks to those that have dropped by to check out my beginner's blog. ;)
Great Job Sweet Marie - you did a great job. So glad I chose you and got to learn all about you.
You are sweet - and now nice to still get ice cream and talk to your son.
And I feel sorry when I see older people suffer.
I love that you and your husband dance like that.
You are my kind of gal.
You did really well Marie. I like these because it is fun to learn about each other.
I hate to see folks litter too. And it is sad to see an elderly person struggling.
My stepdaughter and I have been known to have discussions over ice cream too.
We also have #4 in common, in fact that's how I spending part of my weekend.
Have a great weekend!
Thank you Sandie! You're my kind of gal too!
Hi SquirrelQueen, I like learning about each other as well, especially just random facts.
You are probably helping some kitties out this weekend, how lucky for them.
Have a wonderful weekend!
hi marie! yup, you're going to draw in all of us animal lovers here. :) not a bad group to know, though!
thanks for finding my blog! looking forward to getting to know you better!
Hi TexWisGirl, Glad you joined my blog. :) This is a great group of animal lovers. I really enjoyed your pics. You have a beautiful home, looks so peaceful. Looking forward to getting to know you better as well. :)
Congratulations for the award. :) Nice to know you. Would you come to my blog.
the day you did this post, i did a post and put it in my drafts and it took me an hour to come up with 7 things people don't know. i went to post it yesterday for today and it was gone. now i can't remember what i put there. i must have not clicked save.
Hi Sandra, Sounds like you may need to make another list. :) I had written mine on paper andit took a day or so to come up with 7 random facts. I let the hubby help with it.
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