Saturday, October 8, 2011

Let's Get Froggy

Tonight, after the rain, hubby went out back with the doggies and there was Froggy.  I had taken pics of Froggy while he was up in my umbrella, but could never capture his face.  Tonight Froggy wasn't shy...I was able to get up close and cute!  Hope you enjoy!

Not shy tonight!

Big Smile for the camera!

Froggy jumped from our chair to the umbrella...sooo happy he didn't land on me!

Froggy was a social butterfly tonight :)


Christine said...

He's quite the social butterfly indeed! Love his beautiful eyes! He looks like he's smiling for you.

TexWisGirl said...

he is SOOOOOO beautiful! adorableness!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

early am, while still dark, about a year ago, i came in the sliding glass door and one just like this was stuck to the door, when i slid it open he plopped right in the center of my chest and glued himself on. Yes, i did yelp and scared him silly, he jumped about 5 feet away and hubby was saying what, what is wrong, i said nothing i just got a frog sucked on to my chest. adorable he is and great shots

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, what a treat! He is beautiful, all golden!! Your macro shots made him look nice and big for us, then I saw how tiny he actually is. Too cute! Hard to believe he didn't jump away! I do believe this must be the prettiest frog I have ever seen. And you even managed to make him smile at us! Fantastic post, it has made my day!

Marie said...

He is about 4" long and adorable! Thank you for all the compliments. :)

Deborah said...

OMGoodness, I wonder if you kissed him, he would turn into a prince!
Have a nice weekend!!

Ann said...

Well isn't he a handsome young frog, at least as far as frogs go :) I love the picture of him smiling for the camera

Deb said...

what an awesome frog....great photos...

Catherine said...

Frogs aren't really my favourite but I must admit, this little one seems almost cute and is such a pretty color!!

I think I like him! :)
xo Catherine

SquirrelQueen said...

He is absolutely adorable. I'm glad he decided to be sociable and pose for your camera. His eyes are beautiful but what really fascinates me are his little feet. Cute!

Chatty Crone said...

Okay - you are brave - amazing.

Then those three little fingers (?) he has - boy he can sure use them - don't know if I have seen a frog up that close! Amazing.

Hope you are having a great weekend.


Anne said...

Fabulous photos! Haven't seen a frog that close before! Love the eyes!!

Marie said...
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Blondie said...

I love mama squirrel and the frog! My son Simon the cat had a frog this morning on the porch! Pretty sure I had a frog jump on me outside tonight!!!