Friday, October 14, 2011

Seeds From Madsnapper Are Growing

Sandra, aka MadSnapper, had sent me seeds for Poinciana and Powder Puff flowers.  I planted the seeds September 16.  I shared the first sprouts with you all on September 23.  That means it's been 22 days since I have shared their progress...too long!  They are doing very well and here's a few pics of Sandra's grandchildren in Orlando. LOL!

This is the Poincana, maybe time to transplant??

This is the Powder Puff, a little slower growing than the Poinciana

This little guy was close by and I couldn't resist sharing him with you. 
This is the first time I've seen a lizard shed his skin.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i think they look like me... LOL they are doing so great. are you putting them in a bigger container? if so they are about ready, but not for the ground. the longer they grow the sturdy they will be. looks like you have my cousin Leonard cousin on the pot.

Chatty Crone said...

I was going to ask you if Sandra put her lizard in with the seeds???


Oh forgot - you are a great mom there!

TexWisGirl said...

love that you called them her grandchildren! too cute!

Catherine said...

How fun and how wonderful to have warm enough weather to grow stuff!

Happy weekend!
xo Catherine

Ann said...

they're doing great. I bet Sandra is so proud to see her grandseeds doing so

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I'm a little jealous of your long growing season! Wow...the lizard is shedding, I've never seen that before.
Have a nice weekend!

SquirrelQueen said...

It hasn't even been a month yet, those kids are growing fast. Like Cheryl, I'm a bit envious of your growing season too. I starting to clean out some of my planters and put them away for the winter.