Monday, October 3, 2011

Award and Sandhill Cranes Video

   Thank you, Cheryl for this Liebster Blog Award!   It means "beloved" or "good friend" in German.  This award is designed to bring additional recognition to those blogs with fewer than 200 followers.  If you receive the award, you should link back to the blogger that nominated you and nominate 5 more blogs.  That's it!  

Here are my 5 choices:
                     Ginny at Let Your Light Shine
                      Deb at My three boys and a bird dog
                     Mama-Bug's Nature Photos
                       Val at My Girlz Got Paws
                      Amanda at When You Stumble...Dance...
It was difficult choosing just 5 bloggers because I like them all, but most have over 200 followers or don't accept awards.  These 5 bloggers are all very interesting and have wonderful blogs.  Check them out, you'll be glad you did! 

So, hubby and I went looking for those social birds AKA Sandhill Cranes.  We drove back out to the same area that we had seen them before, Orlando's main post office, and had our Flip Video Cam in hand.  There they were across a small it was safe to get out of the vehichle. LOL!
Here's a short video of the Sandhill Crane family. 



SquirrelQueen said...

That is a fun video of the Sandhill cranes, not a common sight here.

Congrats on your award. That is a great idea to help smaller blogs get more followers.

Have a great week Marie!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

great choices on the blogs, i follow all of them except Amanda, will check her out. great video of those strange but lovely birds.

TexWisGirl said...

such cute little clucks they make!

congrats on your award! i follow cheryl and 3 of your awardees! love you all!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Thanks, SweetMarie, for the link back! I'll be checking out your awardees, I don't think I've seen their blogs before.

Chatty Crone said...

Congrats on your award. I don't think that I've read those blogs either - except Ginny.


Ann said...

congrats on your award. I'm not familiar with any of those blogs I'll have to check them out.

Deb said...

cool video...congrats..

Deb said...

I forgot to say Thank sweet of you...

Deb said...

I forgot to say Thank sweet of you...

Amanda said...


Catherine said...

Congratulations on your award!

I like the Crane video ~ very sweet!

xo Catherine