Friday, October 21, 2011

Must Be A Tasty Fruit

This squirrel seemed to truly be enjoying the fruit.  I believe this is a common vine in Florida and is referred to as Bitter Melon or Balsam Apple.


SquirrelQueen said...

That is so cute! She seems to really enjoy her treat. In the next to last photo it looks like she is turning to ask someone to either pass the salt or why is that lady pointing a funny looking box at me?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your post got my first actual LOL, i did and I am still smiling. the little ratty brats are so darn cute.

Christine said...

That is too cute! I always save my apple cores and peels if I'm baking to give to the squirrels. They will fight each other over them.

TexWisGirl said...

so adorable! huge eyes!

Catherine said...

It's good that this little critter is eating a nice healthy snack! Haha ~ cute!
xo Catherine

Ginny Hartzler said...

You got some really good pictures!!!! They are really cute the way they eat with their hands!

Janie said...

#4 photo is the apple of my eye! How cute is this photo with the critter telling us winter is coming. Or is it Autumn? Sweet, lovely post.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

The squirrels are fun to watch. I have one coming in my back yard all the time to dig around and find things they must have buried. They also can't wait until I fill the bird feeder with cracked corn for the birds! Pesky critters, but cute! Have a wonderful weekend!

Chatty Crone said...

Okay - now I think squirrels are so cute - I really do - but we found one in the attic yesterday and there is one more to go. I am so tired of this. Stay outside!

Love, sandie

Ann said...

this is so cute. That second to last picture looks like he's saying "hey waiter over here, can I have another serving please"