Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Night Sky

My son is now allowed to drive at night.  We've gone out for ice cream the past two nights.  Tonight we saw some lightning in the sky...we pulled off the road and I started snapping!  I've got so much to learn about photography! 
Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!


Ginny Hartzler said...

No pictures of the lightening? Well, no matter, your squirrel pictures are great!

Marie said...

Thank you Ginny! She's a cutie!
I accidently posted before the pics were loaded. LOL! Guess I'm getting a bit tired...been up since 7 a.m..:)

SquirrelQueen said...

Capturing lightning is something I haven't mastered either. I think these are great Halloween type skies.

Sherlyn said...

Going out with family for icecream sounds so exciting.Yes there are many things involved behind a perfectly clicked picture.
Am I a Day Person or a Night Person?
Do you like bright days or calm nights?

TexWisGirl said...

those are so cool!!! (and your son must be beside himself!) :)

Chatty Crone said...

YOU AND I BOTH have a lot to learn - teehee. Was the ice cream good?


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have read about taking lightning shots and it requires a lot of special handling, firing quickly and a tripod. i have no luck with nightshots at all

Together We Save said...

Letting your son drive at night is such a big step it was hard for me when my 2 oldest started driving. Oh and heading out for ice cream sounds fun!!

Ann said...

lightning would be tricky to photograph, you would have to be right on with timing and definitely need a tripod. (or so I would think) Fireworks are another one I have no luck with. I just can't get good shots of those. I'm with you on having a lot to learn. I can turn out a decent picture sometimes but more times than not I have no clue what I'm doing